星期三, 12月 31, 2008


不知道甚麼時候 失去了 詩的幽默

今天 又是誰來敲打我的窗
喚起 被遺忘的時光
甚麼 竟然讓我 漸漸 無言以對

吞沒 我的幽默 藍色 的幽默
吞沒 我的幽默 黑色 的幽默
吞沒 我的幽默 灰色 的幽默

疲累 來至緊張的肌肉 被榨乾 的精神
至於 失去寫詩的浪漫 也只能 用沒有文筆的方式粗暴對待

說不上悼念 因為已經不是那回事
勉強只能說 「喔 死掉囉?」

死 是有趣的 和我的莫名其妙的生活相比 她的確是比較有趣

看吧 我就知道你會懷疑 你不信 對不?

生 是無趣的 和我的莫名其妙的這篇不算詩的詩相比 她的確是比較無趣

哪裡 我就知道你會懷疑 哪裡會 無趣?

星期日, 12月 21, 2008

Dan Gilbert: Exploring the frontiers of happiness

Dan Gilbert presents research and data from his exploration of happiness -- sharing some surprising tests and experiments that you can also try on yourself. Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says our beliefs about what will make us happy are often wrong -- a premise he supports with intriguing research, and explains in his accessible and (read more...)
Dan Gilbert's homepage
Dan Gilbert's blog

星期六, 12月 20, 2008

Die Welle

The Wave (original: Die Welle) is a German movie that is based on the experiment The Third Wave. The remake was quite successful in German theatres, and after 10 weeks 2.3 million people watched the film. The director of the film is Dennis Gansel and it starred Jürgen Vogel, Max Riemelt, Jennifer Ulrich, Jacob Matschenz and Frederick Lau.

The Third Wave was an experimental demonstration of nazism movement undertaken by history teacher Ron Jones with sophomore high school students attending his Contemporary History class as part of a study of Nazi Germany. The experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California, during first week of April 1967. Jones, unable to explain to his students how the German populace could claim ignorance of the extermination of the Jewish people, decided to show them instead. Jones started a movement called "The Third Wave" and convinced his students that the movement is to eliminate democracy.


get the English subtitle here at opensubtitles.org

星期日, 12月 14, 2008

The Poladriod

Poladriod is a software on MAC machines, currently in BETA. Watch the video and you will get a cue on its name - A POLAROID-LIKE software. A good news for M$ Windows users, Windows alpha version is coming... Can't wait to have fun!

Enjoy the poladriods the community 'be Poladriod' at Flickr!


星期六, 12月 06, 2008

Three approaches to psychotherapy

Three approaches to psychotherapy. A film series produced by Psychological Films (1975). Gloria, a patient, engaged in therapy with three psychotherapists who have different theories. The film includes descriptions of each theory. Part I features her interview with Carl Rogers a client-centred therapist. Part II features Frederick Perls, a Gestatt therapist. Part III features Albert Ellis, a rational-emotive psychotherapist.
  1. Dr. Carl Rogers, founder of Client-centered therapy (48 mins)
  2. Dr. Frederick Perls, founder of Gestalt therapy (32mins) / [.flv]
  3. Albert Ellis (36mins) / [.flv]
Since part 1 is hard to get through the internet, I have group the full 5 part film in this slides. I have backup the film for personal use as well, please inform me in case the films have been removed. Part 2 & 3 can be view through the internet (click the links above).

I have been discussing with my roommate Jimmy on counseling issues lately as he is heading for Master this year. This give me a chance to look back into my memories. We have watched the films when we were in our 1st year General psychology class. Enjoy if haven't watch it before and I hope you find it interesting on what the Gurus mean by 'psychotherapy' through their practice.

Click here to have a bigger view

星期五, 12月 05, 2008

Holland 1960-2000 U.S. Data [3/3]

Many might know Holland's famous RIASEC theory of career choice, you might get the information through wikipedia here if you are not sure you still remember it. Here I would like to show you a presentation PPT, i made for my class discussion, to brief a research done by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock and Katie E. Meyer. The authors analyze civilian occupations and employment data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960,1970,1980, 1990, and 2000 with respect to 6 kinds of work (Holland's RIASEC).

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer

In 1990, the income for women was lower than the income for men in all six categories, and the discrepancy became greater as income levels rose.

This graph shows that, in 2000, the income for women was lower than the income for men in all categories except Conventional.

This graph shows the number and percentage of men and women over and under the age of 40 years according to the six types of work. We conducted chi-square tests to determine whether there was a relationship in the percentage of persons over and under 40 across the six types. The results indicated that there was no statistically significant relationship between age and kind of work for either men. It shows very little discrepancy between the percentage of male and female workers employed in the various kinds of work with regard to age. For women under 40, 30% are working in Enterprising occupations as opposed to only 26% for the over-40 group. For men under 40, 29% are working in Enterprising occupations as opposed to 33% in the over-40 group. These discrepancies do not suggest large shifts In employment across the six areas with respect to age.

The RECSIA profile for 2000 actual employment (most to fewest jobs) reported by the U.S. Census Bureau (2002) stands in contrast to the SERCIA profile ofthe 20 occupations projected to have
the most new jobs through 2012 by the BLS (Horrigan, 2003-2004). Reardon, Lenz, Sampson, and Peterson (2005) aiso found that the 20 occupations with the fastest projected percentage of employment growth had a profile of SRICEA.

Findings are clear that Enterprising area nearly doubled in employment from 1960 to 2000, from 17% to 30%. The Social area almost doubled in the same period, from 9% to 16%. At the same time, stability, not change.

Male employment has been concentrated in the Realistic and Enterprising areas, and there has been an increase of employment in the Investigative area from 4% to 10% over the 5 decades. There was a corresponding increase for women from 1% to 6% in the Investigative area.
Compared with women, men are more segregated with respect to the six areas of work, with 8 out of 10 working in either the Realistic or Enterprising area. Career guidance programs might encourage men to explore occupations that are frequendy dominated by women.

The End.

Page 1 | 2 | 3

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer


Holland 1960-2000 U.S. Data [2/3]

Many might know Holland's famous RIASEC theory of career choice, you might get the information through wikipedia here if you are not sure you still remember it. Here I would like to show you a presentation PPT, i made for my class discussion, to brief a research done by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock and Katie E. Meyer. The authors analyze civilian occupations and employment data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960,1970,1980, 1990, and 2000 with respect to 6 kinds of work (Holland's RIASEC).

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer

R and E are both 30% when it reaches 2000.

Holland (1997) noted several "rules" to use in interpreting the SDS, such as the "Rule of Asymmetrical Distribution of Types and Subtypes." This rule reminds counselors and clients that the distribution of types across the six RIASEC areas is very uneven and unequal. Codes associated with small employment numbers may have fewer jobs and new openings. Our research underscores the validity of this rule.

Career guidance programs might properly help participants understand the economic realities of current employment data, rather than relying exclusively on projections of expected fliture occupational

As shown in data, more and more women work force are contributing their labor nowadays. The red represents man, while blue is woman.

Most men were employed in the Realistic area, followed by the Enterprising area. Over the 5 decades, between 75% and 85% of male workers were employed in these two areas. This means that only 15% to 25% of men were employed in the other four areas.

As compared with men, women have been employed in more varied kinds of work, including Conventional; Realistic; Social; and, more recently. Enterprising areas. Indeed, the percentage of women employed in the Enterprising area more than doubled over the 5 decades, from 13% to 28%. In contrast, there were slight decreases in female employment in the Conventional and Realistic areas.

The graph shows that male employment in the Realistic area decreased over the 5 decades, whereas the total number and percentage of men and women employed in the Realistic area remained the highest for the six kinds of work (44%).

The percentage of women employed in Realistic occupations decreased from 33% in 1960 to 15% in 2000 in spite of some efforts to encourage nontraditional work for women. The percentage of women in Investigative occupations increased from 1% in 1960 to 6% in 2000. From 1960 to 1990, Conventional was the area of work in which most women were employed, but in 2000, that shifted to the Enterprising area. In 2000, 28% of women were employed in Enterprising occupations and 26% were employed in Conventional occupations.

Because the method for calculating the income levels differed for the 1990 and 2000 census years, comparisons between the 2 years should be made with caution. The more accurate way of viewing this graph is to focus on the continued discrepancy with regard to income among the
Holland types in each of the two census periods. These numbers show wide variations in income levels among different groups.

Page 1 | 2 | 3

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer


Holland 1960-2000 U.S. Data [1/3]

Many might know Holland's famous RIASEC theory of career choice, you might get the information through wikipedia here if you are not sure you still remember it. Here I would like to show you a presentation PPT, i made for my class discussion, to brief a research done by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock and Katie E. Meyer. The authors analyze civilian occupations and employment data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960,1970,1980, 1990, and 2000 with respect to 6 kinds of work (Holland's RIASEC).

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer

The authors analyze civilian occupations and employment data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960,1970,1980, 1990, and 2000 with respect to 6 kinds of work (Holland's RIASEC [Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional] classification), employment, and gender. For the 1990 and 2000 censuses, kinds of work, gender, and income are analyzed, and for the 2000 census, kinds of work, age, and gender are examined. Past employment trends developed from census data are further analyzed with respect to Bureau of Labor Statistics employment projections through 2012, Implications for further research, employment
policy, and career services are offered.

The research questions were as follows:
  1. What were the number and percentage of persons employed in 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 in relation to six kinds of work.
  2. What were the number and percentage of persons employed in 1960, 1970, 1980,1990, and 2000 for men and women in relation to six kinds of work?
  3. What were the incomes for different kinds of work for men, women, and the total population in 1990 and 2000?
  4. What was the age and gender distribution of workers in six kinds of work in 2000?
  5. What do census and other labor market data suggest regarding future employment trends?
The occupational data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau are based on census researchers' analysis of hundreds of thousands of jobs reported by persons in each census period. Researchers then categorize the detailed job information into occupational groups using the census occupational codes (U.S. Census Bureau, 1992b).

297, 440, 503, 500 and 471 are the numbers of jobs categorized by researchers in every year.

This graph indicates that the total estimated employment increased over the 5 decades from
63.8 million in 1960 to 121.0 million in 2000.

This table reveals that the Realistic area had the largest number of individuals employed and that the Artistic area had the fewest number employed. Noteworthy is the finding demonstrating that the gap between the number of people employed in the Realistic and Enterprising areas decreased from 38% in 1960 to 11% in 1990, and by the year 2000, approximately equal numbers of people were employed in both interest areas.

Employment in the Realistic area declined by 25% from 1960 to 2000, about 5% to 7% each decade, but it remained the largest area of employment over the 5 decades. Employment in the Enterprising area increased by 13% between 1960 and 2000 in relation to the other five areas.

You might have a better idea by looking into the pie chart when you scroll down from 1960 to 2000.

The E is growing...

The S is growing now...

Page 1 | 2 | 3

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer


星期四, 12月 04, 2008

Philip Zimbardo: How ordinary people become monsters ... or heroes

Philip Zimbardo

The Original Milgram Experiment (1961)

I try to write something meaningful on my 200th post. Yes, I choose this Zimbardo and Milgram video to you. Hope that you find it meaningful as well. Enjoy the talk and video.

Philip Zimbardo talk download (Zipped MP4)

星期二, 11月 18, 2008

Thomas L. Friedman

Why We Need a Green Revolution - And How it Can Renew America

Thomas L. Friedman's no. 1 bestseller The World Is Flat has helped millions of readers to see globalization in a new way. Now Friedman brings a fresh outlook to the crises of destabilizing climate change and rising competition for energy—both of which could poison our world if we do not act quickly and collectively. His argument speaks to all of us who are concerned about the state of America in the global future.
Friedman proposes that an ambitious national strategy—which he calls "Geo-Greenism"—is not only what we need to save the planet from overheating; it is what we need to make America healthier, richer, more innovative, more productive, and more secure.
As in The World Is Flat, he explains a new era—the Energy-Climate era—through an illuminating account of recent events. He shows how 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the flattening of the world by the Internet (which brought 3 billion new consumers onto the world stage) have combined to bring climate and energy issues to Main Street. But they have not gone very far down Main Street; the much-touted "green revolution" has hardly begun. With all that in mind, Friedman sets out the clean-technology breakthroughs we, and the world, will need; he shows that the ET (Energy Technology) revolution will be both transformative and disruptive; and he explains why America must lead this revolution—with the first Green President and a Green New Deal, spurred by the Greenest Generation.
Hot, Flat, and Crowded is classic Thomas L. Friedman—fearless, incisive, forward-looking, and rich in surprising common sense about the world we live in today.

Thomas L. Friedman

星期一, 11月 17, 2008

Open Access Journals

Open Access is just like Google Scholar, you can search freely on large database with huge collections of journals, and you pay only when you wanna download the article. Therefore, unlike paid database, you are accessible to the world of knowledge FREE. I try to find database which has psychology stuff, check out the links below:
  1. Google Scholar
  2. Directory of open access journals www.doaj.org
  3. Highwire highwire.stanford.edu
  4. Cogprints.org
  5. Amoeba Web
  6. Evolutionary Psychology
  7. Psychology.about.com/Full Text Journals
  8. E-Journal of Applied Psychology
  9. 應用心理期刊
Please leave me a massage if you know more. Thank you.
Open Access Definition
Impact of open access journals [pdf]

星期六, 11月 15, 2008


Looking for nice wallpaper? check it out here, yes, it's FREE.

星期六, 11月 08, 2008


我從2005年就開始寫blog了,這四年來,我用了幾種廣告服務,包括:Google Adsense(全球),BloggerAds(台灣)和 Advertlets(馬來西亞)。大家可能覺得寫部落格不放廣告是一件浪漫的事,但是這個年頭不放廣告的人已經越來越少了,許多部落客為了提高收入,把廣告放得大大的,一進來就看見的,容易 不小心就 點到的等等方法,硬是要讓訪客看到 點到 他放的廣告。


星期三, 11月 05, 2008

I love Obama's Speaking

Catch BarackObamadotcom at Youtube. I love Obama's Speaking & arts too :) Check it out on Obama Art Report blog.

This piece entitled "Prospects of Democracy" incorporates sound bites from a political speech of Noam Chomsky about America's ideal concepts of democracy versus it's current misappropriation. It also a incorporates excerpts from Charlie Chaplin's closing speech in the film "The Great Dictator" which similarly discusses the pitfalls of greed combined with politics.

星期六, 11月 01, 2008

David Perry: Will videogames become better than life?

Video Gamers: Easy to Quit
Long-term video-game use could make boys more impatient and easily frustrated.
By: JoAnne Viviano

A study by Adelphi University researchers in New York suggests that long-term video-game use could make boys easily frustrated and impatient. Much psychological research studies a game's content and links to violence or other bad behavior. (Read the rest here)

Psychology Today Magazine, Jan/Feb 2005
Last Reviewed 21 Jul 2008
Article ID: 3701
Well, this is the first story that we always heard. Well, here is a totally different story which I prefer more. Watch this TED Talk by David Perry, enjoy.

Download this talk as High-res video (MP4)
The Benefits of Video Games

星期五, 10月 31, 2008


Millennials are the largest generation in American history. Born between 1978 and 2000, WE are 95 million strong, compared to the 78 million Baby Boomers. WE are politically, socially, and philosophically independent, and are spearheading a period of sweeping change in America and around the world. The new book, Generation We, explains the emerging power of our Millennial Generation, and shows how WE (and older people who think the way WE do) are poised to change our nation and our world for the better.

Is it just an America agenda? Let's hope not.

Mozy 2GB online backup

Get more space when you refer a friend
For a limited time, we're doubling the amount of bonus space you get when you share Mozy with a friend. Share Mozy now and earn an extra 256 MB 512 MB of backup space for you AND your friend. You only have until November 30, 2008 to get the bonus so tell your friends right away. Half a gigabyte is enough space to back up: 250,000text email messages, 19,607 1-page spreadsheets, 300 photos, 100 mp3files, or 50 1-minute video clips. Don't want to wait for your friends to sign up? Sign up now!(點這個連接註冊可以讓我增加額外的512MB更正!是你跟我都會多512MB!一共是2.5GB,謝謝。


星期五, 10月 24, 2008



wikipedia.org/An Actor Prepares

星期三, 10月 15, 2008

TED Talk : Garrett Lisi

Have I found the holy grail of physics?
Physicist and surfer Garrett Lisi presents a controversial new model of the universe that -- just maybe -- answers all the big questions. If nothing else, it's the most beautiful 8-dimensional model of elementary particles and forces you've ever seen.
I buy his idea explaining the beautiful world we live in. A beautiful world is a balance world, it goes the same with our life! Watch the Talk here and get inspired.

Watch this talk as High-res video (MP4 download)

星期日, 10月 12, 2008

Zeitgeist Addendum

之前預告過的 Zeitgeist II,已經開放下載了!(目前還未有字幕) 標題定為 Zeitgeist Addendum,補充的意思。我看完了,很值得看,看完了之後想了很多事情。慢慢的發掘自己和身邊的人事物連結起來,以前不見得有關連的,慢慢發掘它的連結。突然就覺的東西不是不能改變,而是我們願不願意改變。最近因為跟一堂夏老師大學部的課,所以看了《Change: 與改變共舞》(原版英文點這裡)又看了這部片的原因就了解更多了。



Join The Zeitgeist Movement Now

星期一, 9月 29, 2008

The Corporation

About the Film
WINNER OF 26 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS! 10 Audience Choice Awards including the 2004 Sundance Film Festival.

Provoking, witty, stylish and sweepingly informative, THE CORPORATION explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Part film and part movement, The Corporation is transforming audiences and dazzling critics with its insightful and compelling analysis. Taking its status as a legal "person" to the logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" The Corporation includes interviews with 40 corporate insiders and critics - including Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change.

"AN OVERWHELMING AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING EXTRAS, there is basically another 6-hour (!) documentary included." MovieFreak

Along with the groundbreaking 145-minute theatrical version of the film, the two-disc DVD has eight hours of never-before-seen footage. In addition to two commentary tracks, deleted scenes, and Q's-and-A's, 165 new clips and updates are sorted "by person" and "by topic." Get the details you want to know on the issues you care about. Then, check out the web links for follow-up research and action.

THE CORPORATION is Canada's most successful documentary... EVER!

The film is based on the book The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power by Joel Bakan.

Download the Movie torrent here
It is a legal piece of copy you can have! Take it!


星期日, 9月 28, 2008


我所學的專業是乳品工藝,剛畢業曾在某國內老大級乳業集團工作。職位——收奶員。這幾天的三鹿事件,沸沸揚揚。其實在我看來,沒什麼奇怪的,事情總是要被 揭穿的,只不過是時間問題,以及是哪一家企業成為那個撞上槍口的倒楣蛋。三聚氰胺——冰山的一角。也許這個事件就要告下一個段落,也許僅僅是個序幕的開始……


我先講一下,收奶的過程。奶農的牛奶由當地附近村鎮的奶站化驗收集,按品質高低,分等級付給奶農錢。品質的指標不外乎PH值,蛋白質,幹物質這幾項。然後 由奶站(當然了奶站是私人老闆的)用罐裝車混裝後運到工廠,然後由工廠取樣化驗,測算指標同樣按品質高低,分等級付給奶站錢。不知道大家看沒看出來,想沒 想到這種操作模式會出現什麼問題?有人說了,不是“天然牧場”“工業化收集嗎”?有,的確有。但是我只能說:兄弟,你很傻,很天真!

奶農想多賺錢怎麼辦呢?簡單啊,摻水啊。那摻水指標降低就賣不上好價了怎麼辦?簡單啊摻****啊。奶站想多賺錢怎麼辦呢?簡單啊……。奶站的奶是從各個 散戶收來混裝到罐車的,有一家的突然變質了,怎麼辦啊,全車都倒了嗎?幾十噸一罐的奶,蛋白質低了怎麼辦?幹物質低了怎麼辦?PH值低了怎麼辦?有的牛病 了打過抗生素怎麼辦?有的牛催奶打激素怎麼辦?


奶農想多賺錢怎麼辦呢?簡單啊,摻水啊。那摻水指標降低就賣不上好價了怎麼辦?簡單啊摻****啊。奶站想多賺錢怎麼辦呢?簡單啊……。奶站的奶是從各個 散戶收來混裝到罐車的,有一家的突然變質了,怎麼辦啊,全車都倒了嗎?幾十噸一罐的奶,蛋白質低了怎麼辦?幹物質低了怎麼辦?PH值低了怎麼辦?有的牛病 了打過抗生素怎麼辦?有的牛催奶打激素怎麼辦?


我們從來不拒收奶,因為我們知道,一件東西是要充分利用的,這樣才能取得最大的價值,獲得最大的利潤。我們分罐儲藏。最好的奶,供到車間做優酪乳(發酵型酸 奶或攪拌型優酪乳),因為不是好奶做不出來。其次,做純牛奶,高鈣奶之類的。再差的奶做花色奶即花生奶,早餐奶等。還有那些發酸的奶怎麼辦呢,當然不能倒 了,做酸性乳飲料,就是廣告狂哄亂炸的,女人小孩都喝的***。這是本公司最大的利潤所在,一盒奶的成本,還沒有哪個包裝盒值錢。還有那種臭的熏人的奶怎 麼辦呢,簡單,做冰激淩味道最好。還有那些又臭成粘稠狀的怎麼辦呢,做奶粉。當然這叫工業粉,它有它的用途,不是裝袋子就上市場的。

我們有全球最大最先進的立體式倉庫,媒體都讚揚過,可是你就沒想想這快速消費品,生產出來就要賣的,搞那麼大倉庫什麼用?酸性乳飲料越存放味道越好。那有 人問了,生產日期怎麼辦?簡單啊,提前打一個月,你也許不信吧,因為在你心中那是小黑工廠做的事。那又有人問了,市場上賣的豈不是過期奶?我就這麼告訴你 吧,你手中那盒奶就是過期一周了,你喝也沒問題。因為你所賣的奶是UHT超高溫滅菌液態奶。










奶粉有問題,市面上的所謂鮮奶又能怎麼樣?可以教網友做個簡單的實驗:從超市上買來你信賴品牌的鮮奶,混合自己鮮榨的豆漿,比例可以隨便,建議1:1,蓋 上鍋蓋直到煮沸,這時候掀開鍋蓋聞一聞蒸汽的味道,如果聞到一股氨水的味道,很不幸,你的牛奶裡摻雜了尿素。其實試驗的原理很簡單,尿素遇熱分解,如果混 合在鹼性的溶液裡,尿素與鹼性物質產生化學反應,分解的速度加快,生成氨,就是我們所說的氨水。加入豆漿的目的就在於鮮豆漿都有一些生物鹼,屬於弱鹼性液 體,有助於尿素的分解。不幸的是,這個實驗能夠揭穿幾乎所有所謂大品牌的畫皮:-(,大家不妨都試試,畢竟你也要關注自己身邊的健康,讓更多無良企業曝 光。所以用豆漿沒有用其他鹼性物質,比如小蘇打之類的(效果會更明顯),因為如果試驗沒有檢測出來尿素成分,你還可以有牛奶和豆奶喝,不會浪費:)。

往牛奶添加尿素是老生常談了,可以算是經典配方。早期奶農上繳原奶都要往奶裡摻水,可是這樣奶太稀了,比重不合格,蛋白質含量不足,不知道哪個聰明人,發 現往牛奶裡摻尿能夠混過所有的監測(我國這種聰明人是受到鼓勵的,我不願意說中國的商業文化是什麼地方的人敗壞的,大家心裡都很明鏡,改革開放第一批受益 的人就是那些道德淪喪的人,靠著假冒偽劣掏到第一桶金,他們沒有受到懲罰,並在全世界面前樹立了假冒偽劣大國的形象,他們富裕起來的,可是受到懲罰的是全 國人民,包括這次三聚牛奶就是這種綿延不絕的後遺症。歷史上中國的徽商晉商都誠實為本,那是真正的屬於世界的商業文化,可惜他們商業的失敗,連帶造成了中 國商業道德的淪喪),於是一發不可收拾,開始是奶農自己往原奶裡撒尿,收奶站人少沒有那麼多鮮尿:(,摻了水後往奶裡再摻尿素。這樣的牛奶拿到乳業公司, 他們不知道嗎?他們知道,但是奶源少,乳業公司只能壓價收購,造成一種惡性循環。這樣收購上來的奶,不用煮就已經味道很沖了,通常就是高溫加熱,去除一部 分尿素,可是還不行,殘留下來的尿素含量還很高,而且更要命的是名義"蛋白質"含量不達標了,按照指標甚至連劣質奶的標準都達不到,只能添加一些其他原料 補充。有良心的就是添加蛋白粉,無良的企業就添加蛋白精,也就是三聚氰胺。

三聚氰胺作為添加劑真是專利于中國的天才發明,原理上講,三聚氰胺具有一定的化學穩定性,無色無味,毒性小,適合用來做奶粉加工,不會分解,這點比尿素實 在強上不知多少倍。不過要想摻雜得好,需要一定的技能,不是普通人能夠掌握的。更不是奶農所能夠想到的,這種技術應該屬於大公司的專利,只是不知道怎麼就 流傳出去了,先是國外的源於中國的寵物糧食中發現這種添加劑,造成了大量寵物的死亡,引起國外對中國寵物糧食的禁運,並要求中國此後的出口飼料需提供沒有 三聚氰胺的檢驗證明。在檢驗三聚氰胺上中國的經驗並不少,可以算是世界領先水準,不象有些人宣稱這種檢驗很難,甚至完全沒有預料會有這種添加物質。從目前 三鹿的行徑看,公司很難擺脫自我添加這種化工原料的嫌疑,至少他們是持有一種行業慣例的態度,不予重視。

三聚氰胺造成的腎臟結石與鈣化結石不同,後者幾乎不溶于水,除了手術碎石外沒有什麼好的辦法,前者的結石具有微溶于水的特性,因此只要不是大量長期食用, 能夠形成結石的幾率較小,這是醫生建議患者大量飲水自我消解的原因,也是成年人或者稍大一些兒童很少發病的原因,更是奶粉企業有恃無恐的原因。可是問題還 是出來了,對於非母乳餵養的嬰兒,就是長期大量餵食富含三聚氰胺的奶粉,他們能夠自我大量飲水的機會幾乎沒有,他們腎臟內管通道很狹小,這些都意味著三聚 氰胺形成的結晶體難於排出體外,富集在腎臟各處形成淤塞,一旦達到一定程度,將轉變成腎臟不可逆轉的腎衰。目前的醫學,成年人的腎衰,多數轉變成不可逆的 腎臟功能部分或全部喪失,基本沒有復原的希望,對於嬰兒腎衰救治後是否有後遺症還未有定論,因為這樣的病例實在太少,正常的生物體在自然條件下根本不會發 生這樣的事故,即使是非常容易形成腎結石的飲食及環境,這樣小的嬰兒也不會產生結石。我們只能自我安慰說嬰兒自我修復能力非常強,會逐步恢復腎臟應有的功 能,但是誰又敢打這樣的保票?


假 奶之奶牛篇

母牛大概在一歲半的時候就懷胎10月(與人類差不多),產下一幼仔,當然公的當場屠殺,母的留作換代之用,然後就是連續270天的產奶期,當然,後面 的100來天產的奶無論品質還是產量都大幅度下降,怎麼辦呢?激素,大劑量激素。如果您的女兒在8-9歲就來月經了,這就是原因。

奶牛的乳腺太BT了,一頭荷蘭花能日產60公斤,如果衛生條件不太好,那牛就天天乳腺炎,怎麼辦呢?抗生素,超大劑量抗生素,當然,這樣的牛奶是做不 出優酪乳的,因為做優酪乳的乳桿菌和糞球菌都怕抗生素,當年Boss讓俺做個耐抗生素菌種,被俺嚴詞拒絕了,其實非常簡單,找幾個抗性質粒改造一下就OK,這 個和造細菌武器是一樣的路數,後果非常可怕。那如果收了抗生素奶怎麼辦?找個易感菌種試驗一下,能長菌就能做優酪乳,當然了,現在一般都檢測青黴素殘留。我 曾經強烈建議檢測四環素殘留,被Boss海K一頓,說我找死呢,所有飼料生產廠家都添加四環素,這個打擊面太大了,在中國混先學學潛規則。

假 奶之造假篇

初級造假——產奶1000公斤,賣1200公斤,一般加工廠收原料奶控制蛋白含量1%,脂肪含量3%,但是奶牛產奶一般來說冬季遠遠大於這個數字,夏 季也比這個數字略高,在優質不優價的前提下,先把水摻足了再說。大牛場摻水的量是有嚴格檢驗並計算的,散養戶也不示弱,有種掌上型快速檢測設備,指導加水 量。北京這家最大的奶企業收的原料奶兩項指標都這麼多,誤差不超過0.1%。
中級造假——產奶1000公斤,賣1500公斤。奶廠收原料奶一般都用凱氏定氮法測定總N含量,然後換算成蛋白含量,所以只要提高N含量就可以了,不 太黑心的奶戶和牛場摻了尿素,稍微黑心點的摻牛尿,更節省成本還有奶香味,呵呵!但是這樣一來脂肪含量相對下降了,也有辦法,把尿素和植物油/洗衣粉按比 例添加就可以了。


超級造假——產奶0公斤,賣2000公斤。這個就是個高級技術活了,不過現在掌握這一技術的奶農很多,大牛場一般沒這麼黑。牛奶的收購指標有感官、黏 度、PH、比重、N含量、脂肪含量、青黴素殘留、幹物質總含量,針對這些指標,用固定的配方能做出足以亂真的"牛奶",原料就是三聚氰胺、澱粉、鹽酸、 水、洗衣粉、植物油、明膠、香精、乳糖。那個三聚氰胺是種膠黏劑,黏度調節就靠它。

各種造假手段往往互相滲透, 超級造假手段也會用於初級造假,沒得說。
假 奶之加工篇

最次的奶用於噴粉,國產奶粉就是垃圾。這位看官說了,我喝進口的,對不起,只要Made in China,原材料都是國產奶粉(進口奶粉原材料,關稅嚇死你),這次他們逃掉是公關做得好。

這個北京最大乳品企業這次能 逃掉,說它的奶品質過關,打死我都不信。

假 奶之選購篇

因噎廢食嗎?業內人士都喝優 質原味優酪乳,道理很簡單,好奶才能做出好優酪乳,沒做成好優酪乳怎麼辦?調味啊!

囉裡囉唆不成體統,大家將就 看看吧。


星期二, 9月 16, 2008

Hartal se-Malaysia 16 September 2008!

Dear Rakyat Malaysia,

We call upon those who support the people's struggle for freedom and democracy to condemn the unfairness, injustice and undemocratic nature of the recent spate of arrests by observing a Malaysia-wide Hartal on September 16th, between the hours of 6 a.m. and midnight as a protest against the Internal Security Act.

You are asked for one day to cease work in order to demonstrate to the government that you reject the Internal Security Act, and in order to carry our struggle for people's democracy one step further.

September 16th is the day on which the people of Malaysia will be called upon to stage the greatest political demonstration that this country has ever seen.

星期日, 9月 14, 2008

10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka

10 years before Merdeka

Watch it in Google Video
Click here to download the DVD quality of 10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka

這部紀錄片真的是讓我感動啊,原來我對國家獨立的歷史是多麼的刻意扭曲、不真實和片面。看完這部片我有被教育的感覺,多麼期望學校的老師們在教國家歷史課一方這部片給學生們看。看完此片,我彷彿被召喚 Merdeka 的精神,要捍衛我們國家,絕不能容許那些硬是要把馬來劍 Keris 拿出來的人在這片土地上放肆!

影片中有提到馬來短劍出現在巫統黨旗的事,但是並沒有交代短劍的意義,如果短劍是一個神祕組織的 sign,那麼要理解那些亮出短劍的人的行為就很容易了。

"Apasal keris nak taruh situ?"

星期六, 9月 13, 2008


剛剛看完了這部片,有感動。相愛的兩個人就是這樣走下去的!我常常會被人問,你們還在一起嗎?你們這樣也可以談戀愛?電話有甚麼好講的?我不會怪他們這麼問,因為沒有經歷過的人不會知道,既然不知道,我又何必計較呢?我還是繼續做我自己,愛我自己和愛她,能做的我都做了,這樣就夠了 :)



Time to ban Malaysia's Internal Security Act

Sin Chew reporter arrested under the ISA
Raja Petra arrested under ISA
ISA: Teresa Kok turut ditahan
and perhaps more coming ...

From Dr Hsu
I would like to call upon all Malaysians to do these:
  1. Remain calm
  2. Do not do anything rash
  3. Do not take to the street
  4. Do not be instigated by people to demonstrate
  5. Just voice it out in your blog, your comments to the blogs, and inform your friends and relatives about the situation
  6. Call your Aduns or MPs and voice out your objection about these arrests and urge your representatives to voice out
  7. Members of political parties, sms your leaders to pressure them to voice out
We shall object to these draconian acts by using civility and do not fall into the traps of giving the big brother a chance to declare emergency rule……

星期二, 9月 09, 2008

Pangkor Nipah Bay Villa

今年的新年期間,我和她去了 Pangkor Island 邦咯島,最近我們又在計劃著去哪裡時候,回憶起那次度假,我想我們可能還會再去一次。其實回來之後就很想要和大家分享那次的旅行,但是就是一直沒有寫,今天心血來潮,趕快來分享。

我們那時候是坐長途巴士去的。我們一大早大概六點左右就從家裡出發到 Kotaraya 巴士站,搭 8:30am 的巴士。要搭 Kuala Lumpur - Lumut 的巴士,Transnational 公司的車很好坐,價格是 RM19 單程。可以不用買來回,到時候在 Lumut 就可以買車票回了。於是我們坐了大概六小時的車抵達 Lumut 渡輪站,其實不算長,講講話時間很快就過去了。千萬不要在 Lumut 巴士站下車,我幫不了你,呵呵。總之,就是乖乖坐在車上,等到全部的人下車的時候就下車!車站和渡輪站很近,大概五分鐘步行即可抵達,下車後東張西望,一定可以看到渡輪站的方向。

From Nipah Bay Villa

渡輪的票是來回票,大人 RM10。船搖晃不會很厲害,基本上是跟巴士沒兩樣,所以你可以看看風景,很快就會到目的地邦咯島。大概十多分鐘吧,我也忘了多久,反正就是沒聊幾句就到了。(我的時間觀念都是用對話長短來計算的 >"<)提醒一下,船會停兩個站,第一個站是漁港,不是我們下船的地方,第二個才是。

到邦咯島後, 妳就會看到很多司機堵住出口,然後一直說服你說你要去的地方很遠,讓他載你一程,我不太記得多少錢了,大概是 RM10,只要一上車就是單一價 RM10,不管你去哪裡,就是上下車算一程 RM10。這裡的計程車很特別,都是小貨車,而且都是粉紅色的。你一到,他就先問你住哪裡,如果沒有住的地方,他可以幫忙介紹(應該是有跟旅館講好可抽佣金的)。於是我們就說 Nipah Bay Villa,他當然知道那是甚麼地方,立刻就叫人來載了。另外一點值得提的是,如果你有機車 motor 駕照,你可以租機車,渡輪站那裡有RM20一天的,算起來是比島上面其他租車的便宜,通常是以 RM20用4小時計算,一天 RM30是最便宜。千萬千萬要帶機車帽和駕照,因為你知道 Kopi 不便宜喔!

我們住的地方是 Nipah Bay Villa,是一個馬來人和外國人比較多的地方,比較有南洋風味,如果你也有這樣的偏好,住這裡是最好不過的。我們住最便宜的,但是品質絕對是可接受的。房間和浴室不大,因為是想來親近大自然,不會整天待在房間,所以不計較這個。 Nipah Bay Villa 是 20 年的老旅館,你可以在櫃台的相簿發現很久以前的照片,可能我個人比較懷舊,所以看到這些照片就會有特別迷戀這裡的感覺。我們去的時候它剛剛蓋好新大樓,所以就跟他要求住新大樓的房間。內有冷氣、風扇、電視、雙人床、浴室。如果你要住好一點,他們也有更好的房間提供。

我喜歡住 Nipah Bay Villa 的原因是氣氛很好,很多住附近旅館的外國人晚上都會來這裡吃晚餐。我們也在這裡使用了我們的燭光晚餐,氣氛非常好,食物是有點小貴,但是很好吃!說它貴其實也不然,我們各點了 Chicken Chop & Grill Fish n Chips,價格就差不多每道 RM20,美味的程度絕對可媲美 The Manhattan Fish Market!還有甜點喔!一點不誇張。當然,我們吃到真的很飽,我們接下來的活動就是去海邊,月光下漫步。 真得有度假的感覺,開心 ;)

Nipah Bay Villa 在海邊,大概走 50 步就到沙灘了,60 步就能動到水!我們一大早醒來就去海邊了,一大早就看海心情非常的好。我們試著走遠一點,因為聽旅館的其中一位澳洲旅客 John 說,前面一點沙灘更漂亮。果然,不到一百步,腳下的沙越來越細,越來越白!好地方!沙灘上還有很多很多被浪打上來的貝殼珊瑚,很漂亮。(後來我們才知道原來我們去的那個沙灘叫白沙灘,是島上有名的沙灘,因為開發還未完全,也沒有受到污染,難得有這麼漂亮的沙灘。)

不過,這還不是最美的!我現在就來介紹我的發現!沿著白沙灘走上去,你會看見一座廟,問問打理廟的人,他就會指引你到更棒的地方。沿著廟走到盡頭就是森林和沙灘的交界,有一條似有若無的小徑,沿著它走,你就來到了 PARADISE! 這個地方比較偏僻,我推測因為開發不容易,有山區剷平要花很多錢,所以沒有受到污染。這裡有甚麼那麼吸引人呢?有像自來水般清澈的海水,海裡面有很多很多漂亮的魚跟你一起游!你的腳底下還有海參!如果你忘了戴蛙鏡或泳鏡,真的很可惜!剛剛的白沙灘上有租蛙鏡的,但是我沒問價錢。照片右上角的沙灘就是我說的地方。特別提醒,不會游泳的人一定要做好安全措施!浪有點大,水有點深。

From Nipah Bay Villa

Link to My Pangkor Island Nipah Bay Villa Photo Album

From Nipah Bay Villa

Nipah Bay Villa 新大樓的天台是一個cafe,我們去的時候剛蓋好,網路上也開始有簡介了,可以看看這裡。晚上可以在這裡打牌,跟外國人聊天也不錯。我們去的時候cafe還沒弄好,飲料不知道如何,但是他的餐廳的食物不錯,應該不會差到哪裡。


4442, Kampung Teluk Nipah, 32300 Pulau Pangkor.
Tel: +605 685 2198
Fax: +605 685 2386
Check here for the room rates
As read on Google Books - Lonely Planet: Nipah Bay Villa pg141
請不要用 e-mail,他們會收不到。

View Larger Map

星期五, 8月 29, 2008

TEDTalk widget

I am so happy to receive a letter from TED Digital Partnerships Manager, Leigh interested in my experimental project for fun, a TEDTalk widget. I made with using free service provided by Sprout. The best part of it is sharing TED would be more easy through this widget, where you can embed it into your blog or website or even Facebook, Friendster etc. So what is so special about TED? Please, don't check it out when you are not free.

This talk by Dave Eggers is one of my favorite. The TEDTalk widget is on the top of my blog, you can share it by clicking the share button, enjoy and spread TEDTalk :)


星期日, 8月 24, 2008





怎麼我會知道電腦展的價格呢?當然,我去過來啊。我去把那台EeePC 901買回家了!花了台幣16,500,比市價便宜了接近500,而且送很多東西,有鍵盤保護墊,舊式(非藍芽)無線滑鼠,清潔組合和一支2GB隨身碟(同樣是有永久保固的那一家,呵呵)。不只如此,ASUS自己還送了Wall E貼膜和無線AP台一支。這樣吸引人的促銷,我當然是買下了啦。

之前提到的Zeitgeist Final Edition,我把繁體字幕弄出來了,希望大家好好散播。

星期一, 8月 18, 2008

Zeitgeist II

我不太確定你是不是有看到我之前的Zeitgeist movie,不過我現在要預告的是Zeitgeist II,預告時間是10月,期待的當兒先來看看預告片。


星期二, 7月 15, 2008


我有 DropBox 邀請函!有需要的人 e-mail 我。不知道那是甚麼好東西的人看這裡

星期五, 7月 11, 2008

The Diamond Sutra 金剛經












星期六, 6月 28, 2008


可惜... 我們到了最後兩個禮拜才吵架,但也很高興我們終於吵了... 這就是我們班哪!

你也知道,從那停止旋轉的杯子中走出來,踏在非常紮實的表面上的時候,我仍然懷疑大家在騙我。剛剛杯子一直在轉的時候一直在一旁叫我看過來要拍照的爸爸,他現在在欄杆外等我,站得穩穩的,騙人!怎麼可能站得那麼穩,地球在晃也!還有媽媽,他們多年培養出來的默契竟然在這裡出現,有一種夫唱婦隨的錯覺。我... 我... 想吐。暈。


p/s: 有時候我真的懷疑我們就是被小時候這些遊戲型朔了這樣的一顆腦袋!但是誰又影響了誰?你能說清楚嗎?




星期二, 6月 03, 2008

020608 畢展討論後的心得


老夏!我恨你太有心機!是你偷偷在我身上埋下種子。啊,我是多麼愛你啊。你找回我的熱情,提醒我,心中那把曾經燃燒過的火。在畢業前,我的本質,我看清楚了,叫做 Gestalt


星期一, 6月 02, 2008


剛剛知道明天要交無聊、毫無意義、浪費時間、浪費生命的電子商務報告,此時我已經 burn out,根本不想寫。剛剛找來了自評生活壓力測量表,分數是292(300以上是高,150是中等,150以下是低)。最近的壓力事件有:
  1. 至親的人離世
  2. 家人在健康上有轉變
  3. 經濟上有改變(或好或壞)
  4. 在工作責任上有改變(如升級、轉崗位等)
  5. 開始或完成學業
  6. 居住環境改變
  7. 搬屋
  8. 社交活動改變
  9. 睡眠習慣改變
  10. 放大假

Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, help.

When I was younger, so much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured,
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me.

And now my life has changed in oh so many ways,
My independence seems to vanish in the haze.
But every now and then I feel so insecure,
I know that I just need you like I've never done before.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me.

When I was younger, so much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
But now these daya are gone, I'm not so self assured,
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me, help me, help me, oh.

星期五, 5月 23, 2008

Google Sites

Google Sites 現在開放給大眾使用,讓我有點心癢癢要把之前的大馬心理論壇轉過來。想要轉的目的當然是因為比較喜歡 Google Sites 的網頁式網站,不像 forum 那樣的格式。
測試中了 metamorphoses,看一看給我意見。
轉成 Google Sites 的優點:
  1. 比較舒適的瀏覽界面,不用像 forum 那樣需要爬格子;
  2. post 文章可用 HTML, 不用 forum 語法;
  3. 更容易插入多媒體檔案(圖片、YouTube等);
  4. 介面比較好看,改面板也更容易。

星期四, 5月 22, 2008

Eeepc Personality Survey

做了一個非常粗略的統計,從樣本數29人的調查中得到的結果。Eeepc的性格大致落在 Openness, Steadiness & Influence。



Gender: male 24; female 2; others 3
Eeepc user: yes 23; no 6

星期日, 5月 11, 2008

Beethoven 7th Symphony



Watch On Youtube

Creative Commons license: Public Domain

星期三, 5月 07, 2008


  1. 漂亮的女人讓男人把持不住,漂亮的商品讓女人把持不住。于是,一部分男人製造商品,另一部分男人為商品買單。
  2. 精明的男人當面讚美女人,精明的商家當面讚美顧客。而暗地裡,男人會咒罵女人,商家會咒罵顧客。
  3. 男人時到手的女人會覺得不在乎,女人對到手的愛情會覺得不值錢。商家對到手的顧客會覺得不在乎,顧客對到手的商品會覺得不值錢。
  4. 其實,女人是很在乎男人的,顧客也是很在乎商家的。在乎你的關心,不在乎你的傷心。
  5. 現代婚姻的特點是,男人負責做家務,女人負責讓男人有家務可做。現代商業的特點是,商家負責做生意,顧客負責讓商家有生意可做。
  6. 這是一個男人的《丈夫守則》︰第一條,老婆永遠是對的;第二條,當老婆錯了時,請參照第一條。這是一家商場的《顧客服務守則》:第一條,顧客永遠是對的;第二條,當顧客錯了時,請參照第一條。
  7. 女人在選擇男人中的男人,顧客在選擇名牌中的名牌。
  8. 愛一個人可能需要很多理由,恨一個人卻只需一個理由。選擇一個品牌需要很多理由,放棄一個品牌只需一個理由。
  9. 化妝的女人不是為了取悅男人,而是為了得到男人的討好。逛商場的顧客不是為了取悅商家,而是為了得到商家的討好。
  10. 你可以和你愛的女人無話不談,除了談錢。你也可以和你的顧客彼此忠誠,除了利潤。
  11. 男人欣賞女人的臀部,女人欣賞男人臀部上的皮夾。在商家眼裡,男人就是女人臀部上的皮夾。
  12. 已婚的男人臉上變化多端,商場的售后服務變化多端。
  13. 男人向女人提供愛情誓言,商家向顧客提供質量保證。可能都是假的。
  14. 商家總是想像顧客掏錢的樣子,男人總是想像女人脫衣的樣子。于是,顧客付出了錢,女人付出了性。
  15. 有些男人的目標總是下一個女人,所有商家的目標都是下一個顧客。
  16. 不相信山盟海誓的女人必有一段不幸的愛情經歷,不相信商品性量的顧客必有一段不幸的購物經歷。
  17. 低聲下氣的男人終于結婚了,他很高興,可她不會高興。降價的商品終于賣出去了,商家很高興,可顧客不會高興。
  18. 在家裡,女人會把最能幹的丈夫罵得像冒牌產品;在外面,女人會把最窩囊的丈夫夸得像名牌產品。這和商品的命運一樣,名牌產品被顧客挑剔得像冒牌產品,冒牌產品被顧客炫耀得像名牌產品。
  19. 男人的命運在女人手中,商品的命運在顧客手中。
  20. 不要試圖讓顧客認錯,就像不要試圖讓女人認錯一樣。
  21. 顧客之于商家,猶如女人之于男人,會在乎你的情話,也會在乎你的謊話。

星期四, 5月 01, 2008

Skype 通了!

5/1起,全家/ 福客多/萊爾富便利商店也將推出販賣skype大三通的通路,煩請您隨時觀看我們的官方網站。
5/1了,他們的網站還沒有關於便利商店的購買介紹,不過我已經買到了!我是在全家便利商店買的,買了全球通,NT389。買回來就立刻試了,效果嘛,GoooooooooD!跟講長途電話沒有什麼差別,音質很好,加上考慮價格,真的有讓人感動到 ^^ 還有另外送 1 歐元 SkypeOut :)

便利商店購買 skype 大三通教學:
  1. 先到全家使用 Famiport 購買 skype 大三通。(不會用的話,可請教熱心的店員)
  2. 登入 PChome-skype 網站,點選網頁右上角「我要儲值」。

  3. 成功!
  4. 收到 E-mail 確認。



- 產品名稱:世界通
- Skype 名稱:sunnysardine
- 第一次付費扣帳日期:01-05-2008 11:41
- 下一次付費扣帳日期:29-05-2008 11:41
- 訂單參考號碼:169105XXX
- 總額: TWD 389.00
- 全球 34 個國家/地區無限量普通電話通話。*(已啟用)

* 注意:公平使用政策適用 - 詳情請見 http://www.skype.com/go/terms.fairusage


Skype 全體同仁

星期六, 4月 26, 2008

The Man from Earth

I just watched a very interesting movie -- The Man from Earth. Yes, I am impressed, so I am going to share with you this movie. Please download the movie through my server. There are 2 files, one the movie, one the English subtitle.

Oh, yes, there are .torrent files out there, if you need a faster download. Enjoy.

Download the MP3 of "Forever" featured in Man From Earth.

"Man From Earth may have been made on a low budget, but don’t be fooled, this movie is made to the highest standards and well worth seeking out in you local video store." -Blogger News Network

Write a review on IMDB
Rate Man From Earth on Amazon
Rate or Rent it on Netflix
Rate it or Write a Review on Blockbuster
Rate Man from Earth on Yahoo!
Rate Man from Earth on MSN

Your support is helping make our independent film a success!

星期五, 4月 25, 2008

Foreigner 在台灣用 skype 大三通

話說 skype 大三通已經開始服務了,但是像我這樣的僑生在台灣要用 PChome-skype 的大三通服務,真的還蠻難的!主要原因就是在購買程序中不能把居留證證號當用身分證字號用。於是,我就發了 e-mail 給他們的客服人員,客服的效率很高,讓我感覺太棒了。才不過一天的時間,就收到回信了。

親愛的 PChome Skype 使用者 劉俊元 您好:



謝謝您的合作,如果仍有其他問題,歡迎與PChome & Skype客服中心聯絡

* Skype Me :online_service
* 線上發問 : http://skype.pchome.com.tw/cs.jsp
* 客服信箱 : skype@skype.pchome.com.tw
* 客服傳真 : (02)2709-4848

客服中心 Nicole Chiou 敬上

親愛的 PChome Skype 使用者 劉俊元 您好:

已為您完成 PChome & Skype簡訊認證程序,您可立即於PChome-Skype進行您的購買∕儲值動作,再次感謝您對PChome & Skype的支持與愛護,未來我們將會提供您 更多更好康的Skype活動訊息,並期待您的再次參與。

很抱歉!因購買流程一定要輸入中華民國身分證字號,另外,受限確認交易安全性程序,目前並沒有提供外國信用卡(大來卡、美國運通卡等)交易服務,若您要購買skype點數,可以請台灣親友利用ATM轉帳、台灣的銀行發行之信用卡、全家/ 福客多/萊爾富便利商店代為訂購,若有不便之處,尚祈見諒。


便利商店購買Skype點數 ,全家即時購或萊爾富


謝謝您的合作,如果仍有其他問題,歡迎與PChome & Skype客服中心聯絡
* Skype Me :online_service
* 線上發問 : http://skype.pchome.com.tw/cs.jsp
* 客服信箱 : skype@skype.pchome.com.tw
* 客服傳真 : (02)2709-4848
謝謝您對『PChome & Skype』的支持。
客服中心 Nicole Chiou敬上

親愛的 PChome Skype 使用者 劉俊元 您好:


5/1起,全家/ 福客多/萊爾富便利商店也將推出販賣skype大三通的通路,煩請您隨時觀看我們的官方網站(http://skype.pchome.com.tw)

謝謝您的合作,如果仍有其他問題,歡迎與PChome & Skype客服中心聯絡
* Skype Me :online_service
* 線上發問 : http://skype.pchome.com.tw/cs.jsp
* 客服信箱 : skype@skype.pchome.com.tw
* 客服傳真 : (02)2709-4848
謝謝您對『PChome & Skype』的支持。
客服中心 Ruffy Hsu敬上
第一手的消息!太讓人喜出望外了!原來他們都準備好了!YEAH ^^

星期一, 4月 14, 2008

ASUS eeepc Atom


我等你 ... ...



Blood, Sweat and Tears


最近在看書《Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Evolution of Work》,看了開頭,不過我想這是對的書,奇蹟又發生了,Alleluia = =' 我想看完這本書,我會知道工作的意義(然後告訴你,所以請為我禱告我能看完)。
Blood, Sweat and Tears is the outcome of Richard Donkin’s own search for purpose and meaning in his work. When he made the decision to write Blood, Sweat and Tears, he reports having to choose between taking a year’s unpaid leave - a costly option - or writing in his spare time, outside of working hours. He chose to take an unpaid leave.

"I thought of it as paying for a year of my life. It was the best move I ever made - not only did I enjoy this year more than any other, I have probably worked harder than at any time of my career," Donkin says. But the work was focused, organized, fun and never became so burdensome that it dominated his every waking moment. He read books, travelled and learned.

"Work became a joy - so much so that it no longer seemed like work. The difference was - and people who are self-employed will understand this - I was setting my own pace," he notes.

星期三, 4月 09, 2008

Zeitgeist, The Movie

Zeitgeist, produced by Peter Joseph, was created as a nonprofit expression to
inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are.

Now, it's important to point out that there is a tendency to simply disbelieve things that are counter to our understanding, without the necessary research performed. For instance, very often people who look up "Horus" or "The Federal Reserve" on the Internet draw their conclusions from very general or biased sources. Online encyclopedias or text book Encyclopedias often do not contain the information contained in Zeitgeist.

However, if one takes the time to read the sources provided, they will find that what is being presented is based on documented evidence. Non-Profit DVDs / Free Video Downloads are available through the downloads page.

Broadly speaking, the story of Horus is as follows: Horus was born on December 25th of the virgin Isis-Meri. His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, which in turn, three kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born savior. At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the age of 30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup and thus began his ministry. Horus had 12 disciples he traveled about with, performing miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water. Horus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God's Annointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, and many others. After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days, and thus, resurrected.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary on December 25th in Bethlehem, his birth was announced by a star in the east, which three kings or magi followed to locate and adorn the new savior. He was a child teacher at 12, at the age of 30 he was baptized by John the Baptist, and thus began his ministry. Jesus had 12 disciples which he traveled about with performing miracles such as healing the sick, walking on water, raising the dead, he was also known as the "King of Kings," the "Son of God," the "Light of the World," the "Alpha and Omega," the "Lamb of God," and many others. After being betrayed by his disciple Judas and sold for 30 pieces of silver, he was crucified, placed in a tomb and after 3 days was resurrected and ascended into Heaven.
The fact of the matter is there are numerous saviors, from different periods, from all over the world, which subscribe to these general characteristics. The question remains: why these attributes, why the virgin birth on December 25th, why dead for three days and the inevitable resurrection, why 12 disciples or followers?

Download movie (.torrent) now.

Philippe Starck

Renowned French designer Philippe Starck fed up with his job and going to retire in two years.

"Everything I designed was unnecessary."
The only objects that he still felt attached to were
"a pillow perhaps and a good mattress ... ... and the ability to love".

I can't post the news here because AFP has copyright for it. You can read more here. It is worth reading.


星期一, 4月 07, 2008


Friday, April 4th 2008
Sony BMG is being sued by a small French software maker after allegedly using large amounts of pirated software. French developer PointDev claims that a Sony BMG employee called the firm to ask for technical support for an application called Ideal Migration. The Sony BMG employee provided a key code to the software which PointDev claims is pirated. PointDev further alleges that the software had been used illegally since 2004.

"We are not interested in an amicable settlement. It is not just a question of money but more importantly in principle, storm Agustoni Paul-Henry, CEO of PointDev. The rate of software piracy in the company is very high. "According to the Business Software Alliance, a association of the major publishers in the market, 47% of programs used in the company would be unlawfully in France ...

Holland RIASEC


首先來談的是學校。從國小到初中高中到大學,這些不同名稱的教育中心,其實就是一個設計優良的篩選機器,雖然它目前仍然有些瑕疵存在,但是無可否認的,大家對它的尊貴的身份和重要的立場,給予崇高的敬意。當然,當我們談到教育的時候,我們是用「再窮也不能窮教育!」這麼一個漂亮的標語去宣揚我們的對教育的理念的,說什麼「篩選機器」?這樣太低級了吧!你怎麼可以粗暴殘忍地篩選我們天真無邪的小朋友?(... ...)大H的收入決定了小H... 我是說:家長的收入決定了小孩進入什麼樣的幼兒園。你住的地方決定你要上哪一間國小。你的成績決定你能夠上哪一個高中。你高中的表現決定你到哪一間大學。你畢業的大學決定你在哪裡上班。你在哪裡上班決定你以後可以到哪裡去上班。你目前的工作決定你退休的日子會怎麼過 ... ...

上一段說的,在生活上發生的例子就比如說:我是一個很了解自己的人,在Holland 表中,我的藝術指標也很高,我了解我喜歡藝術創作,但是有礙於「社會上並不需要我這個畫家」,我只能當一個美術老師。雖然我是美術老師,但我並不認同老師這個角色,從小就不喜歡老師,看到老師就討厭,總覺得老師會誤人子弟。對於這樣的人,雖然他的工作和美術可以勉強有點關係,但是他也不過是個喜歡藝術的美術老師,而且是個不想當老師的美術老師。工作的抉擇是人格之延伸?





星期四, 4月 03, 2008

Olympus E-420

最近已經很少拍照,主要是因為4歲的 Kodak CX7430 已經老了,CCD 老舊,拍出來的照片都要經過修圖才能秀出來,所以有點懶。不是不喜歡拍照了。一直都在留意 Olympus DSLR 的走勢,價格已經越來越平民化了,一直在尋找夢寐以求的價格和高性能的 DSLR,現在終於遇見了!Olympus E-420 的出現真的讓我手癢癢。儲蓄!儲蓄!儲蓄!

Olympus E-420 Official Site

星期二, 4月 01, 2008


Posted by Sir Richard Branson, President and Founder of Virgin Group

In my life, I've had a lot of exciting adventures and launched a lot of ambitious business ventures. I'm delighted today to announce Virgle, Inc., a joint venture between the Virgin Group and Google which qualifies on both counts.

Virgle's goal is simple: the establishment of a permanent human settlement on Mars. Larry Page, Sergey Brin and I feel strongly that contemporary technology is sufficiently advanced to make such an effort both successful and economical, and that it's high time that humanity moved beyond Earth and began our great, long journey to explore the stars and establish our first lasting foothold on another world.

In the years to come, we'll be sending up a series of spaceships carrying (along with the supplies and tools needed to build the new colony) what eventually will be hundreds of Mars colonists, or Virgle Pioneers -- myself among them. If you think you might want join us (or invest in or otherwise assist this vast venture), I hope you'll read more here about how Virgle will work, what our brave Pioneers can expect and what the future holds for what just might be the most ambitious adventure in mankind's long and storied history.

See you on the north side of Kasei Valles!

The Adventure of Many Lifetimes

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