星期一, 12月 28, 2009

The Age of Stupid

Cop15 had just ended. You can have a look on what was really going on along the meeting of world leaders at Copenhagen from the youtube above, done by The Stupid Show which happens to be the "real movie" of life. Also the director of the film The Age of Stupid, Franny Armstrong, act as a reporter in The Stupid Show.

You can watch the Making of The Age of Stupid here, download of the movie can be done using emule, but just be aware that pirating it illegal!

I had watch the movie last night, err.. my opinion was.. well, right, we are stupid enough, and perhaps stubborn too. And I found it very dedicated for the subtitle done by some Taiwanese. It goes like this:






星期三, 12月 23, 2009

Creativity, Fulfillment and Flow

It happened to be I just need to tidy up my files in my Download Folder, I found this piece of video, which is good to share. After having a look at the wikipedia site, I find it interesting in this "FLOW" theory, especially when I try to implied it into the role of workers or so called employee, including managers' experience. And yes, he does talk about work as well. Enjoy.

For those who wanna know more about optimal experience in work and leisure, article written by Csíkszentmihályi, can be reach by the link provided.
Followed 78 adult workers for 1 week with the experience sampling method. (This method randomly samples self-reports throughout the day). The main question was whether the quality of experience was more influenced by whether a person was at work or at leisure or more influenced by whether a person was in flow (i.e., in a condition of high challenges and skills). Results showed that all the variables measuring the quality of experience, except for relaxation and motivation, are more affected by flow than by whether the respondent is working or in leisure. Moreover, the great majority of flow experiences are reported when working, not when in leisure. Regardless of the quality of experience, however, respondents are more motivated in leisure than in work. But individuals more motivated in flow than in apathy reported more positive experiences in work. Results suggest implications for improving the quality of everyday life. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved)
Csíkszentmihályi suggests several ways in which a group could work together so that each individual member could achieve flow. The characteristics of such a group include:
  • Creative spatial arrangements: Chairs, pin walls, charts, but no tables; thus work primarily standing and moving.
  • Playground design: Charts for information inputs, flow graphs, project summary, craziness (here also craziness has a place), safe place (here all may say what is otherwise only thought), result wall, open topics
  • Parallel, organized working
  • Target group focus
  • Advancement of existing one (prototyping)
  • Increase in efficiency through visualization
  • Existence of differences among participants represents an opportunity, rather than an obstacle.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow psychology

星期一, 12月 21, 2009


sunnysardine 說 直銷和做生意的差異到底在那裡? (Click to read full discussion)







mlm-thetruth.com中有一本書,叫做"FIVE RED FLAGS",我還在看,裡面有教大家辨別好的直銷 (Direct Selling) 和壞的老鼠會 (MLM),想當有參考價值。對直銷存在疑問的路人或朋友或直銷成功或失敗的人,可以留言交流交流。
Download free e-book: "FIVE RED FLAGS" explains how and why MLM is flawed, fraudulent, and a losing proposition – except for founders and those at or near the top of the pyramid of participants. (44 pages, 2008 edition). Or read the summary here.

星期六, 12月 05, 2009





The Man From Earth


Das Experiment
這是德國片,題材使用 Philip Zimbarbo 的監獄實驗,運用電影手法將實驗搬到螢幕上,是一部非常具有感官刺激和教育意義的影片。

Enron - The Smartest Guys In The Room
Philip Zimbarbo 的監獄實驗是在實驗室進行的,這也是他的研究後來被批判的地方,但是換到了真實的世界,情況就會真的不一樣了嗎?我們來還原前幾年安隆弊案看看。

The Corporation

A Beautiful Mind
這部片是改變世界經濟的諾貝爾獎得主 John Forbes Nash 的故事,他是在患有精神分裂症的情形下做研究並獲得其成就的。如果你想知道一個精神分裂症的「病人」如何分辨現實與幻覺,來看看吧。

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Making A Killing - The Untold Story Of Psychotropic Drugging
是一部由Citizens Commission on Human Rights(CCHR)主導拍攝的影片,主要內容是探討精神醫藥的副作用和精神病人的權益問題,其中也談到精神醫學的歷史。

Die Welle



Loose Change

  1. The Man From Earth[Trailer]
  2. Das Experiment [Trailer]
  3. Enron - The Smartest Guys In The Room [Trailer]
  4. The Corporation [Trailer]
  5. A Beautiful Mind [Trailer]
  6. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest [Trailer]
  7. Making A Killing - The Untold Story Of Psychotropic Drugging [Trailer]
  8. Die Welle [Trailer]
  9. ZEITGEIST [Trailer]
  10. Loose Change [Trailer]

星期六, 9月 19, 2009



Cascio (2008)這一篇文章是和同學們在圖書館,教大家用資料庫的時候意外發現的,但我立刻就知道那就是我要看的文章,毫無考慮的開始念起來。看完Cascio這一篇後,就開始追作者提到的一些相關研究,於是找到了Rynes et al. (2007)和Deadrick and Gibson (2007)兩篇。我之所以選這樣的文章來看,動機不外乎我對學術和實務的分裂有興趣作更深入了解,這或許和當初看《應用心理研究》33期中《組織臨床研究》受到的啟蒙和上高等組織看Dunnette (1990)等文章有關。另一方面,我想試著去理解當初看見這篇文章時,對於自己被這個「分裂」吸引的理由,用上研究所的經驗與文本作對話,進行更深的反思,希望能對自身的困惑找到答案。

\City Worker Pictures, Images and Photos


這三篇文章其實不難看出都用了相同的方──內容分析。的確,這三篇是有關聯的,這個關聯由Rynes, S.L., Colbert, A.E., & Brown, K.G. (2002)的發現開始,在2007年時將他們的研究擴大範圍,針對實務為主的期刊所發表的文章進行內容分析(Rynes et al., 2007)。同年,Deadrick D.L., Gibson P.A.(2007)引用了Rynes et al. (2002)的發現,針對HR學術為主和實務為主的期刊進行了比較。今年,Cascio(2008)也引用了以上的文獻進行了更大範圍的內容分析,將社會人力資本的趨勢也納進來,檢視I/O心理學的發展,並對學界發出呼籲拉近學術和實務的落差。


在提出如何拉近這樣的落差的部分,三篇文章作者都提出了非常具體及具有參考價值的作法,這裡我就不多贅述了。但是值得一提的是,Deadrick和Gibson (2007)在結尾時這麼寫到:「我們都知道學術-研究鴻溝的存在,但我們似乎並沒有真的想要做甚麼去更加理解和來近這樣的落差。那才是我們真正的挑戰。」




研究生生活剛開始,我就接了一個研究計畫,常常邊做邊想,我所做的這些到的能有甚麼用處。光只是翻譯的部分,就開始於到了問題。我到底要怎麼翻譯才是「正確」的?我發覺,若理論概念邏輯清楚,則有幫助於將理論轉化為可操作的活動,但並不一定可行的,更多時候,似乎需要更多的創意與巧思幫忙才行。不僅如此,出了心理學的知識,很常是需要不同的知識背景輔助我們理解或將概念轉化為具體的東西。或許Knowing and Doing需要的是不同的思考邏輯?我不想要太快的跳到說那是他們的興趣不同,因為對我而言,興趣背後可能就有動機(或其他)不同的問題。雖然這是用common sense去想,不一定是因果(causes)但它最起碼可能是個理由(reason)。

我接研究案,目的可能是earn a living,但研究案不是每個研究案我都會想要接,所以對我而言它又有用另外的意義live a life。同理,假設用earn a living去思考學術和實務的分歧,或許就容易想像多了,大家都是為生活打拼,互不相干,因為各自有不同要達到的目標。而把拉近學術和實務的鴻溝視為不需要earn a living或not meaningful enough/at all,那麼這件事勢必被我們忽視。



星期三, 8月 19, 2009


15Malaysia is a short film project. It consists of 15 short films made by 15 Malaysian filmmakers. These films not only deal with socio-political issues in Malaysia, they also feature some of the best-known faces in the country, including actors, musicians and top political leaders. You may think of them as funky little films made by 15 Malaysian voices for the people of Malaysia.

Please enter and make yourself comfortable.

Watch our films. Look at our photographs. Drop us rude comments. Display your own films. Grab cool goodies. Join competitions. Meet our people. Help us spread the word. Download anything you want…

我們這一代,就像那個兒子,被父母灌輸「這裡不是我們的地方,我們在這裡沒有機會的」,政府大學輪不到我們。阿,講到這裡,就想起我自己是獨中生,高三畢業我只能念很貴很貴的學院不然就去台灣或中國念書,家境好一點的可以去美國英國澳洲,差一點的可以去新加坡,但是去新加坡成績又要很好,像我這樣beh tak ce的,form都沒有機會填。就這樣我去了台灣讀書。




星期五, 8月 07, 2009

The Psychology of Menu Selection

The Psychology of Menu Selection: Designing Cognitive Control at the Human/Computer Interface
by Kent L. Norman
published by Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1991, 368 pages (ISBN: 0-89391-553-X).
About the Book
Menu selection is emerging as an important mode of human/computer interaction. This book, the first entirely devoted to this important form of human/computer interaction, provides detailed theoretical and empirical information of interest to software designers and human/computer interaction specialists and researchers. A new theoretical approach to menu selection is taken by developing a psychological theory of cognitive control by the user. A comprehensive review of empirical research on menu selection is presented in an organized fashion to aid in the design and evaluation of systems. Finally, information is given on how to protype and evaluate menu selection systems using both performance data and user ratings.
The volume has three parts. Part One is conceptual and theoretical in nature. The first chapter introduces the issues of design and flow of control at the human/computer interface. In the next three chapters taxonomic frameworks are proposed concerning the type of menu selection system being used, the nature of the task being performed by the user, and the cognitive elements involved in performing the task. In Part Two, experimental research on menu selection stemming from paradigms developed in experimental psychology and more recently human factors and cognitive psychology is discussed. The last part of the book deals with the topic of implementation and evaluation. Chapters discuss principles of when and how to use menus, cover topics of prototyping and evaluation, and attempt to plot some of the future directions of menu selection. Throughout, graphs and illustrations are included. Examples of good and bad designs are shown in a number of illustrations while empirical data from experiments are desplayed in graphs.
The reader will benefit from the discussion of the many issues, design possibilities and insights regarding menu slection. The empirical research at times supports and at other times refutes existing guidelines. The reader will want to know what the current state of knowledge is about how to design menuy selections and why the design choices are important.

The On-Line Copy
The complete table of contents is listed below. You may have a peek at the book by clicking on the chapter titles. You may use this resource freely; however, I would prefer that you actually buy a copy to help defray publishing costs. Also, I should point out that the on-line copy is from a pre-publication draft and has not been carefully proof read for errors.
POMS Home Page
Click here for more online books from The UX Bookmark

星期四, 8月 06, 2009

A Survey of Worker's Complaint

I recently launch a survey at Facebook. This is a major interest in my study which is less discuss by fellow psychologist yet a common enough phenomenon in work environment. Please take 3 minutes to complete the survey for me. I appreciate your participation. Please pass the survey around to your working friends and colleague. Thank you.
Never ending complaints about your job? I am doing a personal study on workers complaint and I need your help to complete this survey. This survey is not funded by any organization, your complaints and data won't goes to any third-party(s). Thank you for taking part.

Click here to complete the survey

星期三, 8月 05, 2009

The Way to Success

Why do people succeed? Is it because they're smart? Or are they just lucky? Neither. Analyst Richard St. John condenses years of interviews into an unmissable 3-minute slideshow on the real secrets of success.

Richard St. John: "Success is a continuous journey"

Richard St. John's 8 secrets of success

Alain de Botton examines our ideas of success and failure -- and questions the assumptions underlying these two judgments. Is success always earned? Is failure? He makes an eloquent, witty case to move beyond snobbery to find true pleasure in our work.

Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success


星期二, 8月 04, 2009

H1N1 & psychology





星期三, 7月 08, 2009


Always On The Side of The Egg
Good evening. I have come to Jerusalem today as a novelist, which is to say as a professional spinner of lies.

Of course, novelists are not the only ones who tell lies. Politicians do it, too, as we all know. Diplomats and generals tell their own kinds of lies on occasion, as do used car salesmen, butchers and builders. The lies of novelists differ from others, however, in that no one criticizes the novelist as immoral for telling lies. Indeed, the bigger and better his lies and the more ingeniously he creates them, the more he is likely to be praised by the public and the critics. Why should that be?

My answer would be this: namely, that by telling skillful lies--which is to say, by making up fictions that appear to be true--the novelist can bring a truth out to a new place and shine a new light on it. In most cases, it is virtually impossible to grasp a truth in its original form and depict it accurately. This is why we try to grab its tail by luring the truth from its hiding place, transferring it to a fictional location, and replacing it with a fictional form. In order to accomplish this, however, we first have to clarify where the truth-lies within us, within ourselves. This is an important qualification for making up good lies. Click to continue reading ......



跑步對我來說既是一種有益的鍛鍊,同時也是有效的隱喻(metaphor)。我每天一面跑步,或累積參加比賽的次數,一面 提高達成基準的高度,藉著能夠達成目標,以提升自我。至少有立志提高,因此而每天在努力著。我當然不是什麼了不起的跑者。以跑者來說水準極其平凡--不如 該說是平庸吧。不過這問題完全不重要。只要稍微超越一點昨天的自己,才比較重要。因為如果長距離賽跑有要戰勝的對象的話,那應該是過去的自己。
但自從過了四十五歲前後時,這種自我審查的系統卻開始逐漸產生變化了。簡單說,比賽所跑出的時間沒辦法進步了。考慮到年齡時,這某種程度也是沒辦法的事。 每個人在過了人生的某一個時間點之後,必然要迎接體能的巔峰。當然有個人的差別,然而通常的情況,游泳選手是在二十幾歲的前半,拳擊選手在二十歲代的後 半,棒球選手在三十歲代的中期,就會跨過眼睛看不見的「分水嶺」。沒辦法閃開那個就穿過去。
我有一次問過一位眼科醫師「世界上有沒有人不會老花眼?」他覺得很好笑地笑著回答說「我還沒看過那種人」。就跟那一樣(可喜的是藝術家的巔峰,因人而異。 例如杜斯妥也夫斯基在六十年人生的最後幾年才完成『惡靈』和『卡拉馬助夫的兄弟們』,這擁有最重要意義的長篇小說。義大利作曲家朱塞佩.多明尼哥.史卡拉 地Domenico Scarlatti生涯創作了五百五十五首鍵盤用的奏鳴曲,但大部分是在五十七歲到六十二歲之間寫出來的)。
以我的情況的來說,在四十歲代後半遇到跑者的巔峰期。在那以前全程馬拉松以3小時半的標準跑著。正好1公里跑5分鐘,1英里8分鐘的步調。有時候短於3小時半,有時候超過(超過的時候居多)。不過可以大約那樣的時間,相當順利地跑完。就算覺得這次有一點失敗的時候,也能在3小時40分左右跑完。幾 乎沒怎麼練習,身體狀況多少差一點,時間超過4小時都是無法想像的事情。那樣的時期就像安定的台地那樣繼續了一段期間。然而不久之後風雲的走向卻開始起了 變化。就算和以前一樣地作過練習,要保持跑3小時40分卻漸漸吃力了。1公里變成需要5分半鐘的步調,終於接近4小時的底線。這是不小的打擊。到底怎麼了 呢?我不願意把這想成是年齡的關係。因為在日常生活上,還完全沒有實際感覺到自己肉體上的衰退。然而無論如何想否定、忽視,數字卻一步又一步地後退著。
跟著私人教練把游泳姿勢從基本開始重新調整,可以更輕鬆地游得比以前快了。肌肉順利地接受了新的環境,體型也眼看著起了變化。然而另一方面全程馬拉松的時 間卻像退潮那樣,雖然慢卻確實地繼續退步。跑步已經不像以前那樣感覺輕鬆愉快了。在我和「跑步」之間,有那樣和緩的倦怠期來臨。其中含有努力過卻得不到相 應回報的失望感,應該是開著的門不知道什麼時候卻已經關上了似的封閉感。我把這稱為「跑者的憂鬱runner's blue」。至於是什麼樣的憂鬱,容我以後再詳細說明。
不過離開十年之後再回到劍橋這個城市來(上次住在這裡是從1993年到95年的兩年間。當時是柯林頓總統就職期間),當眼前看到查爾斯河的時候,卻沒來由 地升起了「好想跑步」的心情。說到河流這種東西,除非有重大改變否則看起來都一樣,查爾斯河看來尤其還和以前一樣。歲月流逝了,學生的臉也換過了,我多了 十歲,名副其實地已經有許多水從橋下流過。然而雖然如此,河流本身卻幾乎絲毫也沒有改變,依舊保留著以前的樣子。滔滔流水,正朝波士頓灣無聲地流去。那水 浸透河岸,讓岸上綠色的夏草旺盛成長,養活許多水鳥,穿過石砌古橋下方,河面映出夏日的浮雲(冬天水上還有浮冰),河水不急,也不停地,像通過許多檢驗依 然不動搖的觀念那樣,只是默默地朝海流去。
作者  :村上春樹
譯者  :賴明珠
出版社 :時報出版
語言  :繁體中文
ISBN    :9789571349367



星期六, 7月 04, 2009


No Rationale for Travel Restrictions – WHO, ICAO
AirAsia wishes to advise guests that the health authorities have started screening passengers from countries affected by the Influenza A (H1N1). We appreciate your cooperation and patience as you might be experiencing delays due to the screening and/or disinfecting procedure.
AirAsia would like to assure guests that we are committed to all regulations and advice from the authorities in countries where we operate to ensure your safety.
To address any concern that you may have, we would like to share the statement below which was issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO):
“Limiting travel and imposing travel restrictions would have very little effect on stopping the virus from spreading, but would be highly disruptive to the global community. … Scientific research based on mathematical modelling indicates that restricting travel will be of limited or no benefit in stopping the spread of disease. Historical records of previous influenza pandemics, as well as experience with SARS, have validated this point.” – WHO (Read the full statement here)
In addition, you may also refer to another statement by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) here.
We will keep you updated with the latest information from time to time, so please do visit this page again to check it out.
最近過了12點就睡不著,實在不知道要幹嘛,傍晚要去跑步又遇到下雨,幾無奈一下,害我什麼都不想做,整個想放空。生活沒有了重心,她覺得我沒有話跟她說,對啊,靜很多。過兩個禮拜,我和她要去玩台灣,從台北玩到花蓮,再去新加坡,所以最近一直在看旅遊資訊,定民宿和火車票等等的。然後最近又跑出來一個H1N1流感,害她很擔心,要我買口罩個她,結果最後發現她要買美美的口罩,是那種騎機車戴的那種 XD 那個不能過濾病毒啦。

然後我也很緊張流感啊,畢竟那麼多人中招,所以就去查查看是不是有規定上飛機要戴口罩,口罩要自己準備嗎?我很不甘願花那種錢 XD 結果發現WHO的聲明,大意是說限制出入境或是管制對疫情的抑制是毫無作用且會帶來嚴重的不方便的,也就是延遲班機,或是如防範SARS/恐怖份子時,一直檢查一直檢查一直檢查一直檢查一直檢查,對乘客而言是很困擾/不自由的。

那麼,雖然有這樣的聲明了,她和大眾一樣還是會心驚驚的啊,怎麼辦呢?從心理學的角度要怎麼解決這樣大家心驚驚的問題呢?答案就留到等我飛去新加坡和馬來西亞的時候想。 聰明的你也可以想想啊 :D

星期一, 5月 11, 2009


生病了 昨天是母親節 打回家裡的電話另一端是媽媽的聲音 擔心我的狀況 已經不是第一次了 媽媽一直說 要我把工作辭掉 不要我那麼辛苦 說爸爸可以供我

啊 原本要跟媽媽說母親節快樂的 這次病得真不是時候 還要媽媽擔心 我和朋友XK到林口泰山山上去看夜景 看到的就是這幅景 照片是別人拍的 想不到這地方還真出名

昨夜放煙火的人特別多 可以看見車子在趕路 XK說像在看螞蟻活動 不了解他們在幹甚麼 是啊 站在高處的風景果然是不樣 但是風也很冷啊 真是 高處不勝寒啊

風吹到我的臉上 心情是複雜卻說不出 啊 最近我在學習甚麼啊 同學們常說我都問大哉問 難道就不用回答了嗎 也不是 或許我就是比別人愛問吧

待續 ... ... (blogger要進入維修狀態了)


星期日, 4月 26, 2009

Garbage Enzyme

My mom have been using this thing for a while, I wonder what makes it so amazing. Pseudoscience? Perhaps not at all. Anyone has further explanation for this rather than what I found on The Star? The Most Natural.com.my has a full coverage on how to DIY your own garbage enzyme and teach you how to use it too.
Tuesday April 21, 2009
Enzyme pseudoscience

I WISH to point out that a lot of the facts championed by the garbage enzyme movement is largely inaccurate and falls perilously into the category of pseudoscience. I feel compelled to correct some of the myths and misrepresentations.

Garbage enzyme is nothing more than vinegar produced from organic wastes. It is essentially homebrew vinegar except that starch-rich food like rice is replaced with kitchen waste. The key ingredient is the sugar that is metabolised by bacteria into alcohol which subsequently is reduced to acetic acid (vinegar). Jaggery is used as impurities in it to ensure a supply of bacteria. The breaking down of sugar into alcohol releases carbon dioxide (CO2). This is why one has to open the container daily to release the gas and to ensure a supply of oxygen to promote aerobic fermentation. If there is insufficient oxygen in the mix, anaerobic process will take place, releasing methane. Methane and CO2 are poisonous to humans and therefore an airy place is a must to avoid inhaling excessive amounts of the gases. Both are also greenhouse gases.

It is not surprising that garbage enzyme works “wonders” in cleaning stuff as it is essentially vinegar. The weak acid is effective in dissolving oil. Acetic acid is also a good descaling agent that removes limescale. However, it is not advisable to use vinegar on metal surfaces as corrosion may occur in long term use. This is why it is recommended to use garbage enzyme in diluted form. Long term handling of the enzyme with care should also be advocated due to its corrosive effect on human tissues.

The insect-repelling effect of garbage enzyme is from the pungent smell of vinegar that is disliked by insects. The seemingly greening of plant leaves is probably due to the drying of acetic acid that forms a crystallised surface on the plant. Vinegar in diluted form has been used as fertiliser for ages.

The myths

Ozone is produced from garbage enzyme in fairly minute amounts compared to ozone of industrial origin. Besides being a very strong oxidising agent which is corrosive and an irritant, ozone is also a greenhouse gas at near ground level. The ozone that protects Earth from damaging radioactive sunrays is produced from interactions between high altitude oxygen and sunrays. If ground level ozone is beneficial and capable of repairing the ozone hole, the tonnes of ozone produced by industrial activity and automobiles would have done the trick. Sadly, the reverse is true.

It is claimed that ozone produced from garbage enzyme will reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. The contrary is true. The fermentation produces CO2 and ozone, if produced, will actually react with carbon to produce CO2 due to ozone’s strong oxidising properties. Hence there is a net increase of CO2 instead, but the fact that this CO2 comes from plants results in a near neutral carbon cycle.

Ozone is an unstable molecule and will react quickly with other substances. If ozone produced by garbage enzyme escapes from the container before reacting with the container contents, the interaction of ozone with heavy metals in the atmosphere will only transform the substances into acids that result in smog and acid rain.

It is claimed that garbage enzyme converts ammonia to nitrate, which is labelled as a natural hormone and nutrient for plants. Nitrate is inorganic and so is not a hormone. Although a nutrient to terrestrial plants, nitrate in sufficiently high concentration in waterways and in oceans causes algae booms and depletion of oxygen in water. Hence nitrate is considered a marine toxin.

It is also claimed that garbage enzyme converts carbonate and this is beneficial to sea plants and marine life. On the contrary, acetic acid attacks carbonates such as calcium carbonate – a compound found in rocks and shelled marine animals – and converts them to acetate salts plus CO2 and water. Acetate salts are hygroscopic and disintegrate easily, in turn causing the thinning of the shells of marine animals. Therefore it is not advisable to indiscriminately release acetic acid into waterways as it will end up in oceans. Acetic acid attacks on shelled marine animals may lead to the collapse of the marine ecosystem, already a phenomenon observable due to raising acidity of seawater.

The plus sides

Having said all of the above, there are advantages in making garbage enzyme. The benefits are: reduction in chemical cleaning agent; use of local materials and reduction in waste materials going to landfills; and less burden on the environment since organic cleaning agents are usually more biodegradable than petrochemical-based ones.

But one should introduce more oxygen to the fermenting solution (by stirring) to promote an aerobic process; place the enzyme-making container in airy places to prevent buildup of gases especially if you are producing the enzyme in large quantities; and handle the enzyme with care as if handling chlorine bleach.

Don’t pour garbage enzyme directly into drains as they connect directly to waterways and ultimately lead to the ocean. Only use garbage enzyme for cleaning within the bathrooms and kitchens as the waste pipes connect to treatment facilities (either a septic tank or sewer treatment plant), enabling the enzyme to further break down before reaching waterways. Don’t use garbage enzyme in concentrated form. – YSG (The Star)

星期四, 4月 09, 2009

The Bucket List

The Bucket List is a 2007 comedy-drama film written by Justin Zackham, directed by Rob Reiner, and starring Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Sean Hayes, Beverly Todd, and Rob Morrow. The story follows two terminally ill men (Nicholson and Freeman) on a road trip with a wish list of things to do before they "kick the bucket."
The movie so awesome, so touching till it makes me cry! Really.

You can add a bucket list to your Facebook too. Check it out at their promotion website below.


星期一, 3月 23, 2009

Kamal Meattle: How to grow your own fresh air

Kamal Meattle has a vision to reshape commercial building in India using principles of green architecture and sustainable upkeep (including an air-cleaning system that involves massive banks of plants instead of massive banks of HVAC equipment). He started the Paharpur Business Centre and Software Technology Incubator Park (PBC-STIP), in New Delhi, in 1990 to provide "instant office" space to technology companies. PBC-STIP's website publishes its air quality index every day, and tracks its compliance to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, a corporate-citizenship initiative.

Meattle has long been a environmental activist in India. In the 1980s he helped India's apple industry develop less-wasteful packaging to help save acres of trees. He then began a campaign to help India's millions of scooter drivers use less oil. His next plan is to develop a larger version of PBC-STIP, making a green office accessible to more businesses in New Delhi and serving as an example of low-cost, low-energy office life.
Areca Palm - How to Take Care
Mother-in-law's Tongue - Wikipedia

Dan Ariely: Why we think it's OK to cheat and steal (sometimes)

Despite our best efforts, bad or inexplicable decisions are as inevitable as death and taxes and the grocery store running out of your favorite flavor of ice cream. They're also just as predictable. Why, for instance, are we convinced that "sizing up" at our favorite burger joint is a good idea, even when we're not that hungry? Why are our phone lists cluttered with numbers we never call? Dan Ariely, behavioral economist, has based his career on figuring out the answers to these questions, and in his bestselling book Predictably Irrational (which will be re-released in expanded form in May 2009), he describes many unorthodox and often downright odd experiments used in the quest to answer this question.

Ariely has long been fascinated with how emotional states, moral codes and peer pressure affect our ability to make rational and often extremely important decisions in our daily lives -- across a spectrum of our interests, from economic choices (how should I invest?) to personal (who should I marry?). At Duke, he's aligned with three departments (business, economics and cognitive neuroscience); he's also a visiting professor in MIT's Program in Media Arts and Sciences and a founding member of the Center for Advanced Hindsight. His hope that studying and understanding the decision-making process can help people lead better, more sensible daily lives.

Voilin Commercial for P & G Deaf Girl

An inspirational commercial for P&G’s Pantene Chrysalis shampoo. A 4 minute mini epic commercial about a young deaf girl who learns to play the violin. The commercial created by Grey Thailand and directed by Thanonchai Sornsriwichai is sure to be an award winning TV spot.

Commercial Credits:
Advertiser: P&G
Brand: Pantene Chrysalis shampoo
Agency: GREY Thailand
Executive Creative Director: Sajan Raj Kurup
Creative Director: Sajan Raj Kurup
Copywriter: Sajan Raj Kurup, Thanonchai Sornsriwichai
Agency Producer: Bee
Director: Thanonchai Sornsriwichai
Production Company: Phenomena, Bangkok
Country: Thailand
Chief Operating Officer: Shilpa Swaroop
Account Management: Joy


New element

New commercial for Reporters Without Borders for Press Freedom titled “The Test”. The work of advertising giant Saatchi & Saatchi, Paris conducted a test with 2 children in a room left alone to play, then a camera was introduced…amazing how much more civilized we are when we know we are being watched. The 60 second spot is a public service announcement for Reporters Without Borders. The spot begins with 2 young children playing innocently with a few toys, and like typical young boys they end play fighting, that seems to turn more violent; a video camera is then brought into the room without any communication with the children and surprisingly they children stop fighting and continue playing like good children should. Personally, not a fan of this commercial but the message is clear and very true.

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Paris
Awareness advertising campaign for: Reporters Without Borders
Agency producer: Martine Joly
Production Company: Wanda Productions, Paris
Executive Producer: Claude Fayolle
Director: Jean -Yves Lemoign
I found this interesting site full with amazing advertisement from all around the world. I will promote some of them which i like most from time to time, so catch up for the rest under "創意" label.


星期日, 3月 22, 2009

The Alternative(s)


星期二, 3月 17, 2009

The Z-Day Event

They’ve Seen the Future and Dislike the Present
Published: March 17, 2009
Hundreds of people gathered Sunday for an evening-long forum with Peter Joseph, the director of the “Zeitgeist” films and a futurist, to celebrate Z-Day in Manhattan.
Mr. Fresco and Ms. Meadows are planning the production of a major feature film to bring the Venus Project to a wider, global audience. Before the night began, Mr. Fresco, a small man with a V-neck sweater and a hearing aid, sat signing books and answering questions from a dozen or so college students gathered like acolytes at his feet.
That’s where Mr. Fresco came in, an author, lecturer and former aircraft engineer at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio who has spent the last six decades working on the Venus Project, a futuristic society where (adjust your seatbelts, now) machines would control government and industry and safeguard the planet’s fragile resources by means of an artificially intelligent “earthwide autonomic sensor system” — a super-brain of sorts connected to, yes, all human knowledge.
If this sounds vaguely like a disaster scenario out of “2001: A Space Odyssey,” Mr. Fresco did not seem worried in the least. Machines are unemotional and unaggressive, unlike human beings, he told the crowd during the question-and-answer phase. “If you took your laptop and smashed it in front of 50 other laptops, trust me, none of them would care.” Read the article here...

星期二, 3月 10, 2009

The Ten Most Revealing Psych Experiments

Conformity: Not Believing Your Lying Eyes
From social identity theory psychologists got a handle on group dynamics and prejudices, how natural it is for groups to elicit conformity among their members. In 1951 Solomon Asch set out to identify just how much individual judgment is affected by the group.

In a test environment in which undergrads were asked to render a judgment after other subjects gave deliberately wrong answers, 50% of people gave the same wrong answer when their turn came. Only 25% of test subjects refused to be swayed by the false judgment of the others, while 5% always went with the crowd. The finding was that a third of people will ignore what they know to be true and go with a falsehood if they're in a group that insists on the falsehood being true. What else will people do under influence of the group? Read the rest here ...

星期日, 3月 08, 2009

Discovering Psychology

Highlighting major new developments in the field, this updated edition of Discovering Psychology offers high school and college students, and teachers of psychology at all levels, an overview of historic and current theories of human behavior. Stanford University professor and author Philip Zimbardo narrates as leading researchers, practitioners, and theorists probe the mysteries of the mind and body. Based on extensive investigation and authoritative scholarship, this introductory course in psychology features demonstrations, classic experiments and simulations, current research, documentary footage, and computer animation. This series is also valuable for teachers seeking to review the subject matter.

Produced by WGBH Boston with the American Psychological Association. 1990, 2001.
Wanna learn psychology without picking up a book? Check out the website for FREE Video-on-Demand(VOD). Request to register for streaming, select "other" on the "state" if you are not US residences. Enjoy!

Discovering Psychology website
Jump start to Chapter 1 VOD without register

The Zeitgeist Movement

The Zeitgeist Movement: Orientation Presentation by Peter Joseph, 2009 This the Activist Orientation Presentation for The Zeitgeist Movement.
Fluid social change can only materialize if two circumstances are met. One, the human value system, which consists of our understandings and beliefs, must be updated and changed through education and thoughtful introspection. Two, the environment surrounding that value system must change to support the new world view. The interaction between a person's value system and their environment is what influences human behavior.

For example, in our culture, "ethics" is really is a matter of degree, for our social system promotes and rewards competition and self-interest. This perspective doesn't just "lead" to aberrant behavior... it creates it directly. Corruption is the norm in our society and most people do not see this, for since the society supports this behavior, it is considered right and normal... or as a matter of degree.

Given this understanding, there is a fallacy that has emerged where certain groups are deemed "corrupt" and everyone else is "good". This is the age old "us and them" world view which has no basis empirically, for it is, again, all a matter of degree.

For example, there is a large movement of people who constantly talk about "The New World Order" and this notion that there is an elite group of people who have been trying to take over the world for a long time and have manipulated society in various ways to further their goals.

This, of course, is true to a certain extent.

BUT, the failure of awareness is that this "group" is not a group at all. It is a tendency.

If you took out all the people at the top who are engaged in global hegemonic rule, it would simply be a matter of time before another group stepped in to seek the same ambition. Therefore, it isn't the individual people or groups that are the problem. It is actually the conditions upon which those people have been accustomed and indoctrinated by. Of course, many argue against this view with the escapist notion that it is "human nature" that causes this competition and need for dominance. This is unsupported by the facts. In reality, we are nearly clean slates when we are born and it is our environment that shapes who we are and how we behave.

Therefore, in order for TRUE change to occur, we must spend less time battling the products of this sick social structure and more time trying to change the root causes. As difficult and daunting as it may be to think this way, it is the only way our world will change for the better.

星期六, 2月 28, 2009





借這次寫《高等組織心理學》期末報告的機會,我想要更進一步的探究信任在組織的研究是如何被定義和進行研究的。於是,我開始找近期有哪些信任的研究,正巧2008年Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) 第93期就有2篇:Antecedents of Coworker Trust: Leader’s Blessings (Lau & Liden, 2008)和Trust That Binds: The Impact of Collective Felt Trust on Organizational Performance (Salamon & Robinson, 2008)當時,我還沒有決定要用這兩篇寫報告,而是因為看了Lau and Liden (2008)所提到的Direct and Indirect Effects of Third-Party Relationships on Interpersonal Trust (Ferrin, Dirks, & Shah, 2006)。Ferrin et al. (2006) 在文章一開頭提到了一些信任的回顧性文章,即然要知道學術界如何討論信任,我就看了其中的兩篇:The Role of Trust in Organizational Settings (Dirks & Ferrin, 2001)和Trust and Distrust in Organizations: Emerging Perspective, Enduring Questions (Kramer, 1999)。

看完兩篇回顧性的文章後,我大概了解了狀況,也就比較看懂之前在JAP第93期的那兩篇了。因此這份報告,我會大略的介紹三篇文獻,即Lau & Liden (2008),Salamon & Robinson (2008)和Ferrin, Dirks, & Shah (2006),再綜合三篇文獻,提出我自己的見解。

閱讀回顧性的文章,信任這個主題,被來自不同的領域的學者研究和定義,這些定義大概可以分為兩大類:(一)信任是一種心理狀態和(二)信任是選擇行為 (Kramer, 1999)。前者將信任視為對於需要依賴的他人的未知動機、意圖和行為,採取一種願意承擔可能會被傷害或冒險的狀態。後者則是將信任視為一種理智的抉擇行為,是大部分的社會學家,經濟學家,政治學家會採用的定義。此定義包含兩個部分,即(一)甲是否對乙有足夠的了解,和(二)信任乙所帶來的好處。

學術上研究信任的文獻大概可分為兩種:(一)信任作為一種主要效果(Main Effect)和(二)信任作為一種調節效果(Moderating Effect) (Dirks & Ferrin, 2001)。主要效果的影響是直接的,譬如:在高度的信任下,我們會預期有正向的工作態度、良好的上司下屬關係、營造出合作性很高的工作氣氛、提升工作效能甚至團體績效等。更具體而言,研究者是將信任視為其他工作行為的預測指標,比如:信任和對團體間溝通的開放性是正相關的,即越高度信任的團體,其團體間的溝通更活絡。而信任作為一種調節效果的研究有別於主要效果,這類研究並不視信任為直接影響工作表現的因素。換句話說,信任是合作行為、高績效或一些正向態度等發生的條件之一而已,比如:之前對主管的信任會調節未達成的諾言和之後對主管的信任。

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Crisis of Credit

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

Jonathan Jarvis have done the writing, direction, animation & sound all alone to produce this lovely piece of useful and clear information on his thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. I love his idea of not only getting his thesis done well, but also take the chance to share and inspire others through his work. Bravo!


星期六, 1月 10, 2009

History of the Internet

History of the Internet from PICOL on Vimeo.


從電台聽到這的組合的歌,I'm lovin it! 2009我想大家都需要多一點信心,這個組合寫的歌我覺得相當有激勵和安慰(後者不知道為甚麼會有),更喜歡他的TEMPO。

點這裡聽FAMA在youtube的MV playlist,點進去聽聽吧。

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