星期三, 12月 31, 2008


不知道甚麼時候 失去了 詩的幽默

今天 又是誰來敲打我的窗
喚起 被遺忘的時光
甚麼 竟然讓我 漸漸 無言以對

吞沒 我的幽默 藍色 的幽默
吞沒 我的幽默 黑色 的幽默
吞沒 我的幽默 灰色 的幽默

疲累 來至緊張的肌肉 被榨乾 的精神
至於 失去寫詩的浪漫 也只能 用沒有文筆的方式粗暴對待

說不上悼念 因為已經不是那回事
勉強只能說 「喔 死掉囉?」

死 是有趣的 和我的莫名其妙的生活相比 她的確是比較有趣

看吧 我就知道你會懷疑 你不信 對不?

生 是無趣的 和我的莫名其妙的這篇不算詩的詩相比 她的確是比較無趣

哪裡 我就知道你會懷疑 哪裡會 無趣?

星期日, 12月 21, 2008

Dan Gilbert: Exploring the frontiers of happiness

Dan Gilbert presents research and data from his exploration of happiness -- sharing some surprising tests and experiments that you can also try on yourself. Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says our beliefs about what will make us happy are often wrong -- a premise he supports with intriguing research, and explains in his accessible and (read more...)
Dan Gilbert's homepage
Dan Gilbert's blog

星期六, 12月 20, 2008

Die Welle

The Wave (original: Die Welle) is a German movie that is based on the experiment The Third Wave. The remake was quite successful in German theatres, and after 10 weeks 2.3 million people watched the film. The director of the film is Dennis Gansel and it starred Jürgen Vogel, Max Riemelt, Jennifer Ulrich, Jacob Matschenz and Frederick Lau.

The Third Wave was an experimental demonstration of nazism movement undertaken by history teacher Ron Jones with sophomore high school students attending his Contemporary History class as part of a study of Nazi Germany. The experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California, during first week of April 1967. Jones, unable to explain to his students how the German populace could claim ignorance of the extermination of the Jewish people, decided to show them instead. Jones started a movement called "The Third Wave" and convinced his students that the movement is to eliminate democracy.


get the English subtitle here at opensubtitles.org

星期日, 12月 14, 2008

The Poladriod

Poladriod is a software on MAC machines, currently in BETA. Watch the video and you will get a cue on its name - A POLAROID-LIKE software. A good news for M$ Windows users, Windows alpha version is coming... Can't wait to have fun!

Enjoy the poladriods the community 'be Poladriod' at Flickr!


星期六, 12月 06, 2008

Three approaches to psychotherapy

Three approaches to psychotherapy. A film series produced by Psychological Films (1975). Gloria, a patient, engaged in therapy with three psychotherapists who have different theories. The film includes descriptions of each theory. Part I features her interview with Carl Rogers a client-centred therapist. Part II features Frederick Perls, a Gestatt therapist. Part III features Albert Ellis, a rational-emotive psychotherapist.
  1. Dr. Carl Rogers, founder of Client-centered therapy (48 mins)
  2. Dr. Frederick Perls, founder of Gestalt therapy (32mins) / [.flv]
  3. Albert Ellis (36mins) / [.flv]
Since part 1 is hard to get through the internet, I have group the full 5 part film in this slides. I have backup the film for personal use as well, please inform me in case the films have been removed. Part 2 & 3 can be view through the internet (click the links above).

I have been discussing with my roommate Jimmy on counseling issues lately as he is heading for Master this year. This give me a chance to look back into my memories. We have watched the films when we were in our 1st year General psychology class. Enjoy if haven't watch it before and I hope you find it interesting on what the Gurus mean by 'psychotherapy' through their practice.

Click here to have a bigger view

星期五, 12月 05, 2008

Holland 1960-2000 U.S. Data [3/3]

Many might know Holland's famous RIASEC theory of career choice, you might get the information through wikipedia here if you are not sure you still remember it. Here I would like to show you a presentation PPT, i made for my class discussion, to brief a research done by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock and Katie E. Meyer. The authors analyze civilian occupations and employment data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960,1970,1980, 1990, and 2000 with respect to 6 kinds of work (Holland's RIASEC).

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer

In 1990, the income for women was lower than the income for men in all six categories, and the discrepancy became greater as income levels rose.

This graph shows that, in 2000, the income for women was lower than the income for men in all categories except Conventional.

This graph shows the number and percentage of men and women over and under the age of 40 years according to the six types of work. We conducted chi-square tests to determine whether there was a relationship in the percentage of persons over and under 40 across the six types. The results indicated that there was no statistically significant relationship between age and kind of work for either men. It shows very little discrepancy between the percentage of male and female workers employed in the various kinds of work with regard to age. For women under 40, 30% are working in Enterprising occupations as opposed to only 26% for the over-40 group. For men under 40, 29% are working in Enterprising occupations as opposed to 33% in the over-40 group. These discrepancies do not suggest large shifts In employment across the six areas with respect to age.

The RECSIA profile for 2000 actual employment (most to fewest jobs) reported by the U.S. Census Bureau (2002) stands in contrast to the SERCIA profile ofthe 20 occupations projected to have
the most new jobs through 2012 by the BLS (Horrigan, 2003-2004). Reardon, Lenz, Sampson, and Peterson (2005) aiso found that the 20 occupations with the fastest projected percentage of employment growth had a profile of SRICEA.

Findings are clear that Enterprising area nearly doubled in employment from 1960 to 2000, from 17% to 30%. The Social area almost doubled in the same period, from 9% to 16%. At the same time, stability, not change.

Male employment has been concentrated in the Realistic and Enterprising areas, and there has been an increase of employment in the Investigative area from 4% to 10% over the 5 decades. There was a corresponding increase for women from 1% to 6% in the Investigative area.
Compared with women, men are more segregated with respect to the six areas of work, with 8 out of 10 working in either the Realistic or Enterprising area. Career guidance programs might encourage men to explore occupations that are frequendy dominated by women.

The End.

Page 1 | 2 | 3

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer


Holland 1960-2000 U.S. Data [2/3]

Many might know Holland's famous RIASEC theory of career choice, you might get the information through wikipedia here if you are not sure you still remember it. Here I would like to show you a presentation PPT, i made for my class discussion, to brief a research done by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock and Katie E. Meyer. The authors analyze civilian occupations and employment data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960,1970,1980, 1990, and 2000 with respect to 6 kinds of work (Holland's RIASEC).

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer

R and E are both 30% when it reaches 2000.

Holland (1997) noted several "rules" to use in interpreting the SDS, such as the "Rule of Asymmetrical Distribution of Types and Subtypes." This rule reminds counselors and clients that the distribution of types across the six RIASEC areas is very uneven and unequal. Codes associated with small employment numbers may have fewer jobs and new openings. Our research underscores the validity of this rule.

Career guidance programs might properly help participants understand the economic realities of current employment data, rather than relying exclusively on projections of expected fliture occupational

As shown in data, more and more women work force are contributing their labor nowadays. The red represents man, while blue is woman.

Most men were employed in the Realistic area, followed by the Enterprising area. Over the 5 decades, between 75% and 85% of male workers were employed in these two areas. This means that only 15% to 25% of men were employed in the other four areas.

As compared with men, women have been employed in more varied kinds of work, including Conventional; Realistic; Social; and, more recently. Enterprising areas. Indeed, the percentage of women employed in the Enterprising area more than doubled over the 5 decades, from 13% to 28%. In contrast, there were slight decreases in female employment in the Conventional and Realistic areas.

The graph shows that male employment in the Realistic area decreased over the 5 decades, whereas the total number and percentage of men and women employed in the Realistic area remained the highest for the six kinds of work (44%).

The percentage of women employed in Realistic occupations decreased from 33% in 1960 to 15% in 2000 in spite of some efforts to encourage nontraditional work for women. The percentage of women in Investigative occupations increased from 1% in 1960 to 6% in 2000. From 1960 to 1990, Conventional was the area of work in which most women were employed, but in 2000, that shifted to the Enterprising area. In 2000, 28% of women were employed in Enterprising occupations and 26% were employed in Conventional occupations.

Because the method for calculating the income levels differed for the 1990 and 2000 census years, comparisons between the 2 years should be made with caution. The more accurate way of viewing this graph is to focus on the continued discrepancy with regard to income among the
Holland types in each of the two census periods. These numbers show wide variations in income levels among different groups.

Page 1 | 2 | 3

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer


Holland 1960-2000 U.S. Data [1/3]

Many might know Holland's famous RIASEC theory of career choice, you might get the information through wikipedia here if you are not sure you still remember it. Here I would like to show you a presentation PPT, i made for my class discussion, to brief a research done by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock and Katie E. Meyer. The authors analyze civilian occupations and employment data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960,1970,1980, 1990, and 2000 with respect to 6 kinds of work (Holland's RIASEC).

Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer

The authors analyze civilian occupations and employment data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1960,1970,1980, 1990, and 2000 with respect to 6 kinds of work (Holland's RIASEC [Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional] classification), employment, and gender. For the 1990 and 2000 censuses, kinds of work, gender, and income are analyzed, and for the 2000 census, kinds of work, age, and gender are examined. Past employment trends developed from census data are further analyzed with respect to Bureau of Labor Statistics employment projections through 2012, Implications for further research, employment
policy, and career services are offered.

The research questions were as follows:
  1. What were the number and percentage of persons employed in 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 in relation to six kinds of work.
  2. What were the number and percentage of persons employed in 1960, 1970, 1980,1990, and 2000 for men and women in relation to six kinds of work?
  3. What were the incomes for different kinds of work for men, women, and the total population in 1990 and 2000?
  4. What was the age and gender distribution of workers in six kinds of work in 2000?
  5. What do census and other labor market data suggest regarding future employment trends?
The occupational data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau are based on census researchers' analysis of hundreds of thousands of jobs reported by persons in each census period. Researchers then categorize the detailed job information into occupational groups using the census occupational codes (U.S. Census Bureau, 1992b).

297, 440, 503, 500 and 471 are the numbers of jobs categorized by researchers in every year.

This graph indicates that the total estimated employment increased over the 5 decades from
63.8 million in 1960 to 121.0 million in 2000.

This table reveals that the Realistic area had the largest number of individuals employed and that the Artistic area had the fewest number employed. Noteworthy is the finding demonstrating that the gap between the number of people employed in the Realistic and Enterprising areas decreased from 38% in 1960 to 11% in 1990, and by the year 2000, approximately equal numbers of people were employed in both interest areas.

Employment in the Realistic area declined by 25% from 1960 to 2000, about 5% to 7% each decade, but it remained the largest area of employment over the 5 decades. Employment in the Enterprising area increased by 13% between 1960 and 2000 in relation to the other five areas.

You might have a better idea by looking into the pie chart when you scroll down from 1960 to 2000.

The E is growing...

The S is growing now...

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Get yourself a RIASEC Personality Test here (180 Questions)

A Holland perspective on the U.S. workforce from 1960 to 2000 - FindArticles
Career Development Quarterly, March, 2007, by Robert C. Reardon, Emily E. Bullock, Katie E. Meyer


星期四, 12月 04, 2008

Philip Zimbardo: How ordinary people become monsters ... or heroes

Philip Zimbardo

The Original Milgram Experiment (1961)

I try to write something meaningful on my 200th post. Yes, I choose this Zimbardo and Milgram video to you. Hope that you find it meaningful as well. Enjoy the talk and video.

Philip Zimbardo talk download (Zipped MP4)

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