星期五, 5月 18, 2007


最近 web2.0 幾乎就快要變成像「憂鬱症」這個名詞被濫用一樣,已經氾濫到可以的地步。原本不太想提這個,但是最近都在想科技的未來發展這件事(真是該死的小孩,期末考快到了,報告還一大堆,竟然還 blog!),還在醞釀著寫一篇「當今科技的現象學」,所以這一篇算是預告吧。

這裡給大家介紹一個訪談錄音,訪談者是 Tim O'reilly。有興趣知道他是誰的,下面有連接,不多做介紹。他講了自己如何看待 Web2.0 和教育的發展。嗯,建議聽聽,有益無害。至於為什麼我會建議:我覺得和我之前提到的世界平了有很大的關連,但有不完全是完全相同的事。Web2.0 提供了我們的上網的新目的,但這個目的不是本來不存在的,而是將它發揮的更完全,這個目的是:收集、分享、傳播。

我覺得 Web2.0 加快了我們的腳步,就像我們以前是騎腳踏車,然後是摩多車... 當然,我們更快的獲得訊息,同時我們也忽略很多訊息,就像騎摩多車就很難比騎腳踏車更仔細的欣賞風景。這樣想覺得好像有點可惜,但是既然我們都是走同樣的路到達目的地的,那麼我們看到的東西應該是差不多的,除非我平時會注意身邊的風景,不然風景對我來說根本就只是光的反射,這些東西對我來說不重要,我知道我要去哪裡,要什麼。這又是不同的觀點,但基本上這兩種觀點在背後的思考邏輯和價值觀可能是背道而馳的。

Topics that Tim covers in the interview:
  • Being self-taught
  • Having a mental model of how the world works to let you figure out what's important
  • A new "digital divide" today between those who know how to think about search and those who don't; those who know where the current hot information is being shared, and those who don't.
  • Tim's skepticism of formal education, coming from the computer industry and seeing creativity from those with very different backgrounds, with their formal education almost alway not in the area where they have made an impact (himself included).
  • Self-learning.
  • How most periods of a creative renaissance start with inspired amateurs.
  • The importance of "doing things," "tinkering,", and "exploratory learning."
  • That "engagement" is not new to Web 2.0, but the opportunity is being democratized by the technology.
  • That it is important not to generalize too much about where the technology is headed from the initial formative period.
  • How he believes that spending on educational technology is a bad idea (smile!), and that smaller class sizes would make the most difference in education, period, by giving more interaction with passionate adults who have time and ability to focus on kids. (See if you feel comfortable with how I respond to this point.)
  • How we need to get rid of unionized seniority to get fresh blood, so the best can rise to the top instead of the most senior. (Again, I'm interested in your responses to this and your take on how I responded.)
  • Open Source software, and how Web 2.0 is actually antithetical to open source software.
  • Clayton Christiansen's "law of conservation of attractive profits," where value in Web applications moving toward the harnessing and collecting of data and intelligence.
  • How it's not free software that we need but free data.
  • The inevitability of large companies absorbing the web 2.0 technologies by leveraging their data collection capabilities.
  • The biggest change he sees on horizon: collective intelligence based on our being "sensory enabled." "Live Software" that learns from that data.
  • What Web 2.0 technologies that he likes
  • His final words for educators: "have fun." Share your own enthusiasm, excitement, and passion.

  • http://radar.oreilly.com/tim/



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