星期三, 8月 19, 2009


15Malaysia is a short film project. It consists of 15 short films made by 15 Malaysian filmmakers. These films not only deal with socio-political issues in Malaysia, they also feature some of the best-known faces in the country, including actors, musicians and top political leaders. You may think of them as funky little films made by 15 Malaysian voices for the people of Malaysia.

Please enter and make yourself comfortable.

Watch our films. Look at our photographs. Drop us rude comments. Display your own films. Grab cool goodies. Join competitions. Meet our people. Help us spread the word. Download anything you want…

我們這一代,就像那個兒子,被父母灌輸「這裡不是我們的地方,我們在這裡沒有機會的」,政府大學輪不到我們。阿,講到這裡,就想起我自己是獨中生,高三畢業我只能念很貴很貴的學院不然就去台灣或中國念書,家境好一點的可以去美國英國澳洲,差一點的可以去新加坡,但是去新加坡成績又要很好,像我這樣beh tak ce的,form都沒有機會填。就這樣我去了台灣讀書。




星期五, 8月 07, 2009

The Psychology of Menu Selection

The Psychology of Menu Selection: Designing Cognitive Control at the Human/Computer Interface
by Kent L. Norman
published by Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1991, 368 pages (ISBN: 0-89391-553-X).
About the Book
Menu selection is emerging as an important mode of human/computer interaction. This book, the first entirely devoted to this important form of human/computer interaction, provides detailed theoretical and empirical information of interest to software designers and human/computer interaction specialists and researchers. A new theoretical approach to menu selection is taken by developing a psychological theory of cognitive control by the user. A comprehensive review of empirical research on menu selection is presented in an organized fashion to aid in the design and evaluation of systems. Finally, information is given on how to protype and evaluate menu selection systems using both performance data and user ratings.
The volume has three parts. Part One is conceptual and theoretical in nature. The first chapter introduces the issues of design and flow of control at the human/computer interface. In the next three chapters taxonomic frameworks are proposed concerning the type of menu selection system being used, the nature of the task being performed by the user, and the cognitive elements involved in performing the task. In Part Two, experimental research on menu selection stemming from paradigms developed in experimental psychology and more recently human factors and cognitive psychology is discussed. The last part of the book deals with the topic of implementation and evaluation. Chapters discuss principles of when and how to use menus, cover topics of prototyping and evaluation, and attempt to plot some of the future directions of menu selection. Throughout, graphs and illustrations are included. Examples of good and bad designs are shown in a number of illustrations while empirical data from experiments are desplayed in graphs.
The reader will benefit from the discussion of the many issues, design possibilities and insights regarding menu slection. The empirical research at times supports and at other times refutes existing guidelines. The reader will want to know what the current state of knowledge is about how to design menuy selections and why the design choices are important.

The On-Line Copy
The complete table of contents is listed below. You may have a peek at the book by clicking on the chapter titles. You may use this resource freely; however, I would prefer that you actually buy a copy to help defray publishing costs. Also, I should point out that the on-line copy is from a pre-publication draft and has not been carefully proof read for errors.
POMS Home Page
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星期四, 8月 06, 2009

A Survey of Worker's Complaint

I recently launch a survey at Facebook. This is a major interest in my study which is less discuss by fellow psychologist yet a common enough phenomenon in work environment. Please take 3 minutes to complete the survey for me. I appreciate your participation. Please pass the survey around to your working friends and colleague. Thank you.
Never ending complaints about your job? I am doing a personal study on workers complaint and I need your help to complete this survey. This survey is not funded by any organization, your complaints and data won't goes to any third-party(s). Thank you for taking part.

Click here to complete the survey

星期三, 8月 05, 2009

The Way to Success

Why do people succeed? Is it because they're smart? Or are they just lucky? Neither. Analyst Richard St. John condenses years of interviews into an unmissable 3-minute slideshow on the real secrets of success.

Richard St. John: "Success is a continuous journey"

Richard St. John's 8 secrets of success

Alain de Botton examines our ideas of success and failure -- and questions the assumptions underlying these two judgments. Is success always earned? Is failure? He makes an eloquent, witty case to move beyond snobbery to find true pleasure in our work.

Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success


星期二, 8月 04, 2009

H1N1 & psychology





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