星期一, 2月 28, 2005


今天是世界和平日, 對我來說已經失去意義的一日.
愿人們能找到心中的平和, 營造一個和諧的社會.
is all we need. just imagine.
more about 28 Feb...
>1975: Dozens killed in Moorgate Tube crash. A London Underground train has crashed at Moorgate, killing the driver and at least 29 passengers and injuring more than 70 in the worst-ever Tube disaster.
>... On 28 February 1991, President George Bush declared victory. Kuwait was liberatedbut Saddam Hussein remained in power and turned his wrath on the Kurd and Shiitecommunities. Tensions between Iraq and the US continued as ceasefire ...
>2000: Nuclear chief quits over safety scandalBritish Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) has confirmed its chief executive, John Taylor, has resigned over the safety scandal that has attracted severe criticism from watchdogs.
>2001: At least 10 die in Selby rail crashUp to 13 people are feared dead and more than 70 have been injured after a high-speed rail collision caused by a car which had careered off the motorway.
>... On 28 February 2001, a strong earthquake occurred in the State of Washington,US The quake was the most powerful to strike ... The February 28, 2001 earthquakedid not produce a noticeable tsunami in Puget Sound or on the open coast ...
>International RSI Day, the last day of February each year - the 28th or 29th,depending on the year is when unions and campaigners highlight the work hazards that cause strain injuries, undertake workplace activities on strains ...
找了一大堆. 原來我搞錯啦!!
不是世界和平日, 而是228和平紀念日!!
> 話說...一九四五年第二次世界大戰結束,台灣重回祖國懷抱;國軍大隊人馬前來接收,台灣百姓們夾道歡呼迎接,為了脫離日本統治,重獲自由而歡欣鼓舞,慶賀生響徹雲霄。
> 戰後,台灣經濟陷入困境,失業情況十分嚴重,民生困苦。這時最需要的就是政府的重新整頓;誰知,當時政府腐敗無能,紀律敗壞,特權橫行,導致經濟、政治、民生各方面不但未見好轉,反而更加嚴重。人民對政府由期望轉為失望,由愛轉為恨,不滿的情緒一天比一天加深。
> 一九四七年二月二十七日,專賣局官員在台北大稻埕查緝女販私賣香菸,竟打傷女販,後來又開槍射殺抗議的市民,導火線就這樣引燃了。
> 第二天(二月二十八日),台北市民遊行示威,前往官府要求懲辦兇手;卻遭到機關槍掃射,於是事情愈演愈烈,台灣百姓全面起來抗爭。一些地方上較有名望的人,為了弭平亂事便出面協調。奉派來台的行政長官-陳儀,卻沒有誠意處理善後,一面假裝和代表們協商,一面卻向蔣中正請求派兵鎮壓。
> 三月八日,大軍登陸後,立刻由北到南展開大規模的整肅行動,抓的抓、殺的殺、失蹤的失蹤,死傷難以估計,這便是「二二八事件」。
> 幾十年來,因為台灣一直處於戒嚴狀態,誰也不敢在公開場合提到這件事;但是,受難者家屬心中的痛與怨,卻沒有隨著時日消失,擴大了「本省人」、「外省人」之間的心結。
> 一九八七年,結束戒嚴後,二二八和平運動終於開始推展,專家、學者關於二二八事件的調查報告相繼出爐,並有二二八紀念碑的設立。
> 一九九五年,李登輝總統代表政府向受難者家屬致歉。一九九七年二月,台北市政府、行政院相繼宣佈明訂每年二月二十八日為「和平紀念日」。
> 不管是政府或民間所做的這些努力,目的都是相同的,那就是告為死者在天之靈,撫平受難者家屬心中的創痛,並促進全民的團結。
>> 愿人們能找到心中的平和, 營造一個和諧的社會.
>> is all we need. just imagine.

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