星期四, 12月 30, 2010

Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management

Randolph Frederick "Randy" Pausch (October 23, 1960 – July 25, 2008) was an American professor of computer science and human-computer interaction and design at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pausch learned that he had pancreatic cancer in September 2006, and in August 2007 he was given a terminal diagnosis: "3 to 6 months of good health left". He gave an upbeat lecture entitled "The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" on September 18, 2007 at Carnegie Mellon, which became a popular YouTube video and led to other media appearances. He then co-authored a book called The Last Lecture on the same theme, which became a New York Times best-seller. Pausch died of complications from pancreatic cancer on July 25, 2008.
Download the Powerpoint and PDF
Download high quality video from Internet Archive



上半年一直在為論文煩惱,換了幾個老師,所幸遇上貴人指導教授相助,論文總算開始推進,運程上說貴人肖馬,但我忘了我有沒有去確認這件事,但好像真有其事。和指導老師的相處讓我成長了不少,心境也有了一點變化。以前覺得自己老是缺了一個老師,更正確的說是人生的導師,遇上我的指導老師不但讓我遇上一個好老師,也讓我領悟到了『聞道有先後 術業有專攻』的道理,也就再也不會固執的找尋心目中的老師的形象,謙虛學習,教授為樂。當然頓悟之後就要去實踐,心境就如爬山一樣。比起上一年進入的研究所學習的低谷,身邊少了老友的相伴,很多事情只好硬著頭皮上,但是身邊的研究所朋友都很照顧我,真的讓我堅持走下去的人少不了他們。



星期五, 10月 29, 2010






P/S 給匿名留言者:我不明白你為何要放一坨屎在我的留言。

星期四, 9月 16, 2010

台灣行 2010


Day 1: 士林夜市
Day 2: 西門町 - 五分埔 - 潮肉壽喜燒

Day 3: 高雄 - 科學工藝博物館(達文西展) - 鼎王麻辣鍋(和學姊的晚餐) - 美麗島站 - 城市光廊 - 新崛江
Day 4: 台南 - 台南火車站 - 度小月擔仔麵 - 赤崁樓 - 松村煙燻滷味 - 杏仁豆腐冰 - 周氏蝦捲 - 永泰興蜜餞 - 安平古堡 - 德記洋行 - 觀夕平台

Day 5: 貴族世家牛排 - 高雄 - 高雄捷運凱旋站R6 - 夢時代廣場
Day 6: 台中 - 瑪露蓮冰 - 國立台灣美術館 - 台中肉員 - 水滸傳 - 逢甲夜市

Day 7: 南投-日月潭一日遊
Day 8: 基隆李鵠餅店 - 中正公園 - 基隆廟口 - 鼎邊銼 - 一口吃香腸 - 天婦羅 - 泡泡冰 - 野柳地質公園 - 淺水灣

Day 9: 新莊輔大早餐店 - 玄武壽司 - 師大夜市 - Evans Burger
Day 10: 往機場(觀音隧道) - So long my friends

星期四, 8月 19, 2010

Zotero 使用教學

之前寫論文,在比較了Endnote和Zotero後,決定用Zotero完成我的論文,原因是Z比E使用上方便很多,要挑剔的話,就是能說要使用Z一定要用Firefox,因為Z是以Firefox插件的方式架構的程式.但是,他也利用了網路的優勢,把你的資料庫建在雲端(Cloud Computing),除非你把它刪掉,不然不管你的電腦怎麼壞掉,資料還是會在.


Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, cite, and share your research sources. It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself.
Zotero Promotional Materials

星期四, 7月 08, 2010




星期五, 6月 04, 2010

Rethinking Psychology

Much have been read and discuss on what is psychology. But, if you haven't read this this book, I am SURE that you don't know much about psychology. The book has been introduce to fellow masters in the classroom, though it is not easy to read like those psychology introductory textbook, I find it is far more interesting and insightful. Check the book at Google Books if interested, they have some page previews.
Book overview
In recent years, a range of perspectives across psychology have challenged the experimental, positivist and cognitivist orientation that has dominated the field for so long. This critique of the mainstream has come out of a broad spectrum of theoretical influences, from phenomenology and symbolic interactionism to cultural and feminist approaches, and also takes in the new emphasis on discourse.

Rethinking Psychology overviews these developments. The outstanding international contributors have produced a coherent and wide-ranging guide to the key strands of theory, showing how they feed into the debate about the creation of a new psychology.

星期五, 5月 28, 2010






星期五, 5月 14, 2010

Facebook: Facts You Probably Didn't Know

Psychologist identified Facebook Addiction Disorder? Is that true? Well, you better know the truth: psychologist has Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder on labeling everyone into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM). (See here and here)
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by a combination of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions). The symptoms of this anxiety disorder may include repetitive hand-washing; extensive hoarding; preoccupation with sexual or aggressive impulses, or with particular religious beliefs; aversion to odd numbers; and nervous habits, such as opening a door and closing it a certain number of times before one enters or leaves a room. These symptoms can be alienating and time-consuming, and often cause severe emotional and economic loss. The acts of those who have OCD may appear paranoid and come across to others as psychotic. However, OCD sufferers generally recognize their thoughts and subsequent actions as irrational, and they may become further distressed by this realization.
Facebook: What You Probably Didn't Know
[Source: Online PhD Programs for MashableMashableMashable.com]

星期一, 5月 10, 2010

The Big Issue @ Taiwan

今天早上在報紙上看到《The Big Issue》的相關報導,對我而言Social Enterprise是一個非常吸引我的名詞,或許被吸引的原因是它的企業理念和自己對企業理念的想像起了共鳴。Social Enterprise是一個對我來說是陌生的名詞,但我想我會開始留意它。很多人想創業就是為了賺錢,我不是看不起以賺錢為目的的創業家,更具體的說,我非常欣賞將生活賦予意義和目的的人,但賺錢我想不會是我的軸線。以MalaysiaCrime.com為例,Kegan Gan的專業知識的應用和對生活/社會議題的關心與關懷,結合Google Maps API科技的應用,創造了一個新的平台將網民的虛擬生活和現實生活的事件做了互動,讓虛擬世界不再是上facebook玩遊戲而已,這就是創業!

續Google有意將所有的服務整合到google Apps,許多的小生意甚至到大企業已經可以利用這些現有而且免費或付費的服務去做很多對事業拓展/資源整合有幫助的動作,但是很多人並不知道如何做(Know-How),有的更不知道有這麼好用有免費的工具的存在(Know-What),當然知道為甚麼要運用這些科技(Know-Why)的人就更少了。一個以「教育」為本的「營利」公司,是否也能稱做Social Enterprise,我還不確定,但是顯然《The Big Issue》也是在做類似的事。許多問題仍然有待更多的時間和腦力激盪來前進,因此,如果你有這方面的想法,歡迎跟我討論。

Three common characteristics of social enterprises as defined by Social Enterprise London are:
  1. Enterprise orientation: They are directly involved in producing goods or providing services to a market. They seek to be viable trading organisations, with an operating surplus.
  2. Social Aims: They have explicit social aims such as job creation, training or the provision of local services. They have ethical values including a commitment to local capacity building, and they are accountable to their members and the wider community for their social environmental and economic impact.
  3. Social ownership: They are autonomous organisations with governance and ownership structures based on participation by stakeholder groups (users or clients, local community groups etc.) or by trustees. Profits are distributed as profit sharing to stakeholders or used for the benefit of the community.  - wikipedia
The Big Issue
The Big Issue是一本創始於英國倫敦的雜誌,自1991年成立至今已經達18個年頭,雜誌內容涵括時事、社會議題及藝文資訊,目前於英國、日本、澳洲等九個國家以不同版本的形式發行;特別的是,這份刊物的通路,是透過Homeless來販售。該組織是由兩個部分組成,一個是以有限公司模式,負責生產和配送雜誌到街頭的小販通路,另一個則以非營利組織的形態存在,以幫助這些小販們解決造成他們無家可歸的問題,重新取得生活的主控權。

How We Work

The Big Issue Taiwan
大智文創於去年底取得The Big Issue中文版授權,預計將於四月一日發行創刊號。我們期望,這本在英國發行已有十八年的刊物,能同樣成功的以社會企業的模式在台灣推行;我們更期望,讓所有有意願工作的街友或社會弱勢的人們,能夠得到一個自營生計的機會,讓他們能夠藉由雜誌的販售,重建個人的信心與尊嚴,進而重新取回生活的主導權。about - www.bigissue.tw
「我們就是商業」-台版The Big Issue及其操作
最開始,聽聞發源自英國倫敦以幫助遊民、並提供社會議題與遊民生活資訊的The Big Issue要在台灣發刊,相當興奮;但隨著媒體露出與臉書上不停徵召志工的訊息統合起來,部分的疑慮也跟著掉出來,公益/利益、遊民/志工人數懸殊比例,還有最詭異的,在國外不曾出現過的,The Big Issue在臺北縣市之外便利超商上架販賣的部份。因此,在上週末,記者參與了The Big Issue腳踏車志工捷運站宣傳活動,並訪問了總編輯李取中先生,將困惑一股腦兒頃出。李取中先生也不嫌棄這些可能惱人的問題,誠實地回覆了記者的疑慮。正巧搭上黑人陳建州因為公益與自家商品帳目不輕的新聞消息,在閱讀完此篇報導後,臉書上破三萬的粉絲群們對社會企業(Social Enterprise)在公益的想像,可能出現若干程度的調整;而同時,在購買者或志工參與的行為,也該由自我感覺良好的狀態真正轉入與遊民互動、了解的層面。Read more ...
今年4月,台灣即將出現第一本透過遊民來販售的《The Big Issue大誌》雜誌,這份志在幫助遊民、以社會企業模式發行的雜誌,其概念與源頭即來自英國的《The Big Issue》(TBI)。擁有近20年歷史的TBI雜誌,於1991年在英國倫敦創刊,內容結合時事、社會議題與藝文資訊等等,創辦人為「The Body Shop」(美體小鋪)創始人羅迪克(Gordon Roddick)與博德(John Bird)。

當時羅迪克在美國受到紐約街頭販售的《街報》(Street News)啟發,返回英國後便找來具有印刷出版經驗的朋友博德,一起創辦TBI,並建立一套遊民銷售通路,召募、訓練遊民來販售雜誌,希望藉此提供遊民與弱勢族群工作機會,幫助他們自食其力,並在1995年成立TBI基金會。

TBI已成為英國社會企業的標竿,幫助過2500名無家可歸的街友。目前每周發行,發行量約13萬6000份,每本售價1.7英鎊(約台幣81 元),遊民以售價的半價批貨,販賣所得全歸遊民所有。 中時電子報【開卷周報】電子版 - 2010-03-28:4月1日《The Big Issue》上街頭 CLICK DOWNLOAD

星期一, 2月 01, 2010



I am working with the feeling
That the company is stealing
Fifty pennies from my pocket every day;

But for every single pennie
They will lose ten times as many
By the speed that I'm producing, I dare say.

For it makes me so disgusted
That my speed shall be adjusted
So that nevermore my brow will drip with sweat;

When they're in an awful hurry
Someone else can rush and worry
Till an increase in my wages do I get.

No malicious thoughts I harbor
For the butcher or the barber
Who get eighty cents an hour from the start.

Nearly three years I've been working
Like a fool, but now I'm shirking
When I get what's fair, I'll always do my part.

Someone else can run their races
Till I am on an equal basis
With the ones who learned the trade by mining coal.

Though I can do the work, if s funny
New men can get the money
And I cannot get the same to save my soul.
I am translating the book "The Servants of Power", this poem is from chapter 6. Written by a labor around 1920's, posted on the bulletin board where he was labored. Is it the same voice deep inside your heart too?

BIG FIVE Personality Test

大五人格測驗(Goldberg,1992)是心理學家廣泛使用的人格測驗。我們都知道買一套人格測驗是很貴的,自己找人做評量也是很貴的。這裡有個好消息!我發現Goldberg等人已經將大五人格測驗做了一個公共財產版(public domain),大家可以玩玩看,有短版(題數較少)和完整版,對公共財產測驗有興趣的可以看Goldberg(1999)Goldberg,et al.(2006)。可以列印回饋喔!
The Big Five
In contemporary psychology, the "Big Five" factors of personality are five broad domains or dimensions of personality which have been scientifically discovered to define human personality. First documented by J M Digman in 1990 in his five factor model of personality and later at the highest level of organization (Goldberg, 1993). These five over-arching domains have been found to contain and subsume more-or-less all known personality traits within their five domains and to represent the basic structure behind all personality traits. They have brought order to the often-bewildering array of specific lower-level personality concepts that are constantly being proposed by psychologists, which are often found to be overlapping and confusing. These five factors provide a rich conceptual framework for integrating all the research findings and theory in personality psychology. The big five traits are also referred to as the "Five Factor Model" or FFM (Costa & McCrae, 1992), and as the Global Factors of personality (Russell & Karol, 1994).

The Big Five model is considered to be one of the most comprehensive, empirical, data-driven research findings in the history of personality psychology. Identifying the traits and structure of human personality has been one of the most fundamental goals in all of psychology. Over three or four decades of research, these five broad factors were gradually discovered and defined by several independent sets of researchers (Digman, 1990). These researchers began by studying all known personality traits and then factor-analyzing hundreds of measures of these traits (in self-report and questionnaire data, peer ratings, and objective measures from experimental settings) in order to find the basic, underlying factors of personality.

At least three sets of researchers have worked independently for decades on this problem and have identified generally the same Big Five factors: Goldberg at the Oregon Research Institute, Cattell at the University of Illinois, and Costa and McCrae at the National Institutes of Health.These three sets of researchers used somewhat different methods in finding the five traits, and thus each set of five factors has somewhat different names and definitions. However, all three sets have been found to be highly inter-correlated and factor-analytically aligned.

It is important to note that these traits have been found to organize personality at the highest level, and so they are most helpful as a conceptual, organizing framework for regular, lower-level personality traits. However, because the Big Five traits are so broad and comprehensive, they are not nearly as powerful in predicting and explaining actual behavior as are the more numerous lower-level traits. Many studies have confirmed that in predicting actual behavior the more numerous facet or primary level traits are far more effective (e.g. Mershon & Gorsuch, 1988; Paunonon & Ashton, 2001)

The Big five factors are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN, or CANOE if rearranged). The Neuroticism factor is sometimes referred to as Emotional Stability. Some disagreement remains about how to interpret the Openness factor, which is sometimes called "Intellect". Each factor consists of a cluster of more specific traits that correlate together. For example, extraversion includes such related qualities as sociability, excitement seeking, impulsiveness, and positive emotions.

The Five Factor Model is a purely descriptive model of personality, but psychologists have developed a number of theories to account for the Big Five.
Short Form for the IPIP-NEO (短版)
The IPIP-NEO - Full Version (完整版)

星期日, 1月 17, 2010






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