星期日, 9月 30, 2007

Exciting Learning Journey

In the last decade, a new protocol for sending information on the World Wide Web (WWW), hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), created a new way to conduct psychological research. This new technique allows researchers to collect data from participants all over the world 24 hours a day and seven days per week. Surveys and experiments can be delivered quickly to anyone connected to the Web and data can be saved automatically in electronic form, reducing costs in lab space, dedicated equipment, paper, mailing costs, and labor. Once an experiment or survey is properly programmed, data can be stored in a form ready for analysis, saving costs of data coding and entry that used to be an expensive and time-consuming part of the research process.
I recently just enrolled an e-commerce program in 20 credit hours to complete and took a course featuring online survey. I love the course a lot, feel excited on what to learn and enjoys the learning so much. Learning is just fun! Yes, I mean learning is fun WITHOUT boring lecturers! Read this if you are a boring teacher.

Interested in online survey? Read this.

星期四, 9月 27, 2007

A Call for HELP!

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 5 (Bernama) -- Badan Warisan Malaysia has urged the government to take a long term view on the proposed redevelopment of the Sungai Buloh Leprosy Settlement and preserve the site.

Its president, Tan Sri Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid, said: "We are equally alarmed by the demolition of the prison building and housing chalets while discussions between the various stakeholders are still ongoing."

In a statement here, he said Badan Warisan Malaysia had written and spoken with Culture, Arts and Herritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim on the historical importance of the settlement.

He said the community facilities, including religious buildings catering to different faiths, as well as the medical facilities, prison cells and residential chalets, were still intact.

"Dilapidated buildings can be repaired and rehabilitated but to destroy any one part will be an irreplaceable loss to the whole," he said.

When the leprosy settlement was opened in Sungai Buloh on 1930, it was the largest and most well planned leprosarium in the British Empire.
Follow this link for more details ...

Can I help? YES! Join petition HERE!


今年的中秋有特別的想家(她)。 老室友 King Kong 從家裡拿來月餅給我吃,禮輕情誼重是如此啊,用思念吞下一顆月餅的心情是如何呢?對!就是不夠飽,甚至更讓我感到心中的飢餓。無意外,中秋節的那天我照常踩著腳踏著在外巡邏(工讀),月亮很圓,打死我也會說家鄉的更圓。跟隊友 Dex 巡邏的時候,更是哼出了那首耳熟能詳的小曲:月亮圓 月亮圓 月亮照在我的家 ... 中秋,有意思的節日啊!不知你的中秋怎麼過呢?和誰一起過呢?


星期二, 9月 25, 2007




From One Day Trip

公園裡那待修的街燈也是我,聽著路過的情侶打情罵俏;也有的吵起架來,分別向左右離開。也不知道為什麼,情侶總是不停的在這裡重複這齣戲,就像羅密歐與茱麗葉,不停的被來自世界各國的小朋友大朋友演了又演。如果你問我,我們的生命都是那幾種版本構成嗎?如果再讓我看多幾齣,我可以給你肯定的答案喔。他們都不會注意我,沒有人會注意我,因為我 ... 因為我 ... 因為我 ... 不是他們眼中的西施。

星期五, 9月 21, 2007

The Power of Web2.0

Former deputy prime minister and finance minister of Malaysia, Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim post a blog with the title Kenyataan Media: Pendedahan Skandal Video Perbualan VK Lingham at Anwar Ibrahim recently. He also post the video on YouTube.
Klip audio ini menunjukkan VK Lingam bercakap tentang penglibatannya bersama dengan Vincent Tan dan Mahathir dalam mempengaruhi keputusan kes Anwar Ibrahim.
Have Malaysian found their way escape from government controlled mass media to take some fresh air outside? I am trying to think this deeply through the Web2.0 perspective. Malaysian bloggers and YouTubers are HOT nowadays, they always call themselves "The Truth Speaker", Meng Chee has a become an icon for it. With Meng Chee's Negarakuku singing all around the country after he was being utilized by political parties for their own politic sake, it does coherence the people who are looking forward for a brighter future of Malaysia too.

Many also took a chance to do some refection on Malaysia's development after 50 years of independent. More and more facts, including the real Independence Day is actually on 16 September 1963, are popping out recently on the internet, blog and dug by bloggers and anonymous. When government representatives are calling bloggers as liars through mass media, they become more and more like the boy who cried wolf.

So, are bloggers all good people? NO! Bloggers are just like you and me and she and he, we are all creation of God; human beings, we are angles and devils; we do charity and we tell white lies too. The lesson to learn is morality, in other words, your justification standard, how mature you are. As anak-anak bangsa Malaysia's intelligence are growing (thanks to Tun Mahathir who introduced 3M education, Membaca, Menulis dan Mengira, we read and post blogs now), the nation were not stupid like what their governments thought.


星期一, 9月 17, 2007

Bloggers' Rights

Bloggers' Rights at EFF

Have you heard the news? Yes, Bloggers sued in Malaysia! So, you better know your rights now!

Covering the Student Bloggers' Legal FAQ addresses legal issues arising from student blogging. It focuses on blogging by high school (and middle school) students, but also contains information for college students. And also the Bloggers' FAQ on Labor Law addresses legal issues with workplace blogging, including union organizing, protections for political blogging away from the workplace, and whistle blowing.

more ...

星期一, 9月 10, 2007

高媽媽飯館 新開張


View Larger Map

星期一, 9月 03, 2007

Indiana Jones

最近去找來舊電影《Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark》,這是1981年的電影,小時候常常在電視可以看到。想想當年,經典的電影還有《Star Wars》和《Back to The Future》,我就是在那個「科學時代」長大的小孩。當時還未懂事的我,就是靠這些電影認識這個世界,這個世界充滿了冒險與追求「真理」的精神,斬妖除惡 Wuahahahah... 真是非常的享受。

剛剛看完後《Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark》心得滿滿,還花時間弄了一些圖片讓大家欣賞 :) 第一張圖是 Rene Belloq,戲中的奸角,同樣跟 Indiana Jones 是考古學家,是一個借考古為名,盜墓為實的考古學家。兩人在戲中尋找同樣的寶物,於是緊張的氣氛就此展開...(突然覺得成龍拍的《神話》是借這邊的故事,原來成龍也是盜墓者!)



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這位就是跟著 Rene Belloq 壞人的壞人,專長是凌虐!雖然戲份比較少,也不太重要,不過你不覺得他很面熟嗎?看看下一張圖,會有一些提示。

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


上網找資料的時候意外發現一件事,那就是 Steven Spielberg 和 Indiana Jones 原班人馬已經開始開拍 Indiana Jones 4 了!趕快上官方網站看看吧。

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左手邊那位就是目前大紅的男星 Shia LaBeouf,面熟?就是那個《Transformers》的男主角啦!

Comic - Indiana Jones and the Staff of Moses

星期日, 9月 02, 2007

Command & Conquer 12th Anniversary

Remember the classic game? Yes, I am talking Command & Conquer (C&C). They are celebrating their 12th anniversary, bringing a very special gift for all C&C fans - FREE download for C&C GOLD! Click the link to read more. Just in case you miss anything and cannot play the game on your machine (especially M$ Windows XP), please read the install instructions as well, which is also available on their page.

p/s : Why am I now blogging in English? I don't know, I just addicted :P Stop me if you feel uncomfortable.


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