◆ 誠實認真,從而鼓勵著人們重視你的想法
◆ 對於那些對你很重要的項目你專注執著
◆ 堅決果斷,並有高度的組織能力
◆ 有創造力,能提出獨樹一幟的解決問題的方法
◆ 與別人情感交融,可以預見別人的需要
◆ 能以透視法看到事情發展的宏觀圖像以及意識與行為之間未來的潛在聯繫
◆ 有理解複雜概念的能力
◆ 對別人真正關心,有幫助別人成長和發展的才能
◆ 獨立,有很強的個人信念
◆ 有做出成績,不達到目的不甘休的幹勁
◆ 對自己信仰的事業盡職盡責
◆ 過分的專心致志,結果可能導致死板
◆ 對於要做完一件要花多長時間事情心裡沒有數
◆ 很難做與自己價值觀相違背的事情
◆ 對計畫的可能性有不切實際的傾向
◆ 一旦做出決定就不願意再回頭審視一下,更不願意撤銷決定
◆ 不會處理矛盾,易於忽略不快
◆ 很難拉下面子客觀,直接地訓誡下屬
◆ 很難把複雜的想法簡明地表達出來
◆ 易於倉促下判斷
>> 我也想知道自己多一點
Stats: Rarest personality type; estimated 2% of population.
* private
* sensitive
* quiet leaders
* great depth of personality - intricately and deeply woven, mysterious, and highly complex, sometimes puzzling even themselves
* introverted
* abstract in communicating
* live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities - part of an unusually rich inner life
* abstract in communicating
* artistic (and natural affinity for art), creative, and easily inspired
* very independent
* orderly view towards the world but within themself arranged in a chaotic, complex way only they could understand
Towards the self
INFJs value their integrity a great deal. They are generally "doers" as well as great dreamers. They have high expectations of themselves and need to live their lives in accordance with what they feel is right. They do this through total trust of their intuition. They believe in constant growth and don't often take time to revel in their accomplishments. INFJs are proud of their authenticity, respectful of their benevolence, confident of their empathy. They also are constantly in a state of self-renewal.
Towards the world
Towards the future: credulous, the past: mystical. INFJs prefer the future and the pathway along which they aspire for profundity. They've even been known to have visions/premonitions/auditory and visual images of things to come. They are often said to possess supernormal intuitive ability in both its forms: projection and introjection. They search for their unique identity and place in the world, constantly defining this better. They are activists there for the cause, not for the power, fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless, and put a lot of energy into identifying the best system for getting things done.
An INFJ is often hard to get to know. They are selective about their friends, but such a friendship is a symbiotic bond that transcends mere words... They hunger for deep and meaningful relationships, provide spiritual intimacy for their mates, and can only be emotionally intimate and fulfilled with a chosen few from among their long-term friends, family, or obvious "soul mates." In such relationships, they strive for mutuality, don't believe in compromising their ideals, and can understand and deal with complex issues and people.
Towards others
It can be difficult for an INFJ to articulate their deepest and most convoluted feelings to others. They tend to be secretive by holding back and protecting part of themselves, thus creating hidden sides to their personality. They are choosy of what and when to share things and tend to only truly do so with those they trust. When they reveal things, it is often through speaking interpretively and metaphorically of the abstract world of their imagination. However, they can work quite intensely with those close to them, being cooperative in implementing goals - even though their own trusted intuition can sometimes make them stubborn. They can become aware of another's emotions/intentions before that person is conscious of them. This leads to strong empathic abilities, an unusually strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others while pointing out human potentials, and uncanny communications with certain individuals at a distance. They are often leaders who go unnoticed, quietly exerting their influence behind the scenes. When working with others, they are very sensitive to conflict and cannot tolerate it very well. They will prevent/avoid it at all costs. They also provide an opportunity for fantasy for their children.