星期六, 4月 26, 2008

The Man from Earth

I just watched a very interesting movie -- The Man from Earth. Yes, I am impressed, so I am going to share with you this movie. Please download the movie through my server. There are 2 files, one the movie, one the English subtitle.

Oh, yes, there are .torrent files out there, if you need a faster download. Enjoy.

Download the MP3 of "Forever" featured in Man From Earth.

"Man From Earth may have been made on a low budget, but don’t be fooled, this movie is made to the highest standards and well worth seeking out in you local video store." -Blogger News Network

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Your support is helping make our independent film a success!

星期五, 4月 25, 2008

Foreigner 在台灣用 skype 大三通

話說 skype 大三通已經開始服務了,但是像我這樣的僑生在台灣要用 PChome-skype 的大三通服務,真的還蠻難的!主要原因就是在購買程序中不能把居留證證號當用身分證字號用。於是,我就發了 e-mail 給他們的客服人員,客服的效率很高,讓我感覺太棒了。才不過一天的時間,就收到回信了。

親愛的 PChome Skype 使用者 劉俊元 您好:



謝謝您的合作,如果仍有其他問題,歡迎與PChome & Skype客服中心聯絡

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客服中心 Nicole Chiou 敬上

親愛的 PChome Skype 使用者 劉俊元 您好:

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很抱歉!因購買流程一定要輸入中華民國身分證字號,另外,受限確認交易安全性程序,目前並沒有提供外國信用卡(大來卡、美國運通卡等)交易服務,若您要購買skype點數,可以請台灣親友利用ATM轉帳、台灣的銀行發行之信用卡、全家/ 福客多/萊爾富便利商店代為訂購,若有不便之處,尚祈見諒。


便利商店購買Skype點數 ,全家即時購或萊爾富


謝謝您的合作,如果仍有其他問題,歡迎與PChome & Skype客服中心聯絡
* Skype Me :online_service
* 線上發問 : http://skype.pchome.com.tw/cs.jsp
* 客服信箱 : skype@skype.pchome.com.tw
* 客服傳真 : (02)2709-4848
謝謝您對『PChome & Skype』的支持。
客服中心 Nicole Chiou敬上

親愛的 PChome Skype 使用者 劉俊元 您好:


5/1起,全家/ 福客多/萊爾富便利商店也將推出販賣skype大三通的通路,煩請您隨時觀看我們的官方網站(http://skype.pchome.com.tw)

謝謝您的合作,如果仍有其他問題,歡迎與PChome & Skype客服中心聯絡
* Skype Me :online_service
* 線上發問 : http://skype.pchome.com.tw/cs.jsp
* 客服信箱 : skype@skype.pchome.com.tw
* 客服傳真 : (02)2709-4848
謝謝您對『PChome & Skype』的支持。
客服中心 Ruffy Hsu敬上
第一手的消息!太讓人喜出望外了!原來他們都準備好了!YEAH ^^

星期一, 4月 14, 2008

ASUS eeepc Atom


我等你 ... ...



Blood, Sweat and Tears


最近在看書《Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Evolution of Work》,看了開頭,不過我想這是對的書,奇蹟又發生了,Alleluia = =' 我想看完這本書,我會知道工作的意義(然後告訴你,所以請為我禱告我能看完)。
Blood, Sweat and Tears is the outcome of Richard Donkin’s own search for purpose and meaning in his work. When he made the decision to write Blood, Sweat and Tears, he reports having to choose between taking a year’s unpaid leave - a costly option - or writing in his spare time, outside of working hours. He chose to take an unpaid leave.

"I thought of it as paying for a year of my life. It was the best move I ever made - not only did I enjoy this year more than any other, I have probably worked harder than at any time of my career," Donkin says. But the work was focused, organized, fun and never became so burdensome that it dominated his every waking moment. He read books, travelled and learned.

"Work became a joy - so much so that it no longer seemed like work. The difference was - and people who are self-employed will understand this - I was setting my own pace," he notes.

星期三, 4月 09, 2008

Zeitgeist, The Movie

Zeitgeist, produced by Peter Joseph, was created as a nonprofit expression to
inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are.

Now, it's important to point out that there is a tendency to simply disbelieve things that are counter to our understanding, without the necessary research performed. For instance, very often people who look up "Horus" or "The Federal Reserve" on the Internet draw their conclusions from very general or biased sources. Online encyclopedias or text book Encyclopedias often do not contain the information contained in Zeitgeist.

However, if one takes the time to read the sources provided, they will find that what is being presented is based on documented evidence. Non-Profit DVDs / Free Video Downloads are available through the downloads page.

Broadly speaking, the story of Horus is as follows: Horus was born on December 25th of the virgin Isis-Meri. His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, which in turn, three kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born savior. At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the age of 30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup and thus began his ministry. Horus had 12 disciples he traveled about with, performing miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water. Horus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God's Annointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, and many others. After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days, and thus, resurrected.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary on December 25th in Bethlehem, his birth was announced by a star in the east, which three kings or magi followed to locate and adorn the new savior. He was a child teacher at 12, at the age of 30 he was baptized by John the Baptist, and thus began his ministry. Jesus had 12 disciples which he traveled about with performing miracles such as healing the sick, walking on water, raising the dead, he was also known as the "King of Kings," the "Son of God," the "Light of the World," the "Alpha and Omega," the "Lamb of God," and many others. After being betrayed by his disciple Judas and sold for 30 pieces of silver, he was crucified, placed in a tomb and after 3 days was resurrected and ascended into Heaven.
The fact of the matter is there are numerous saviors, from different periods, from all over the world, which subscribe to these general characteristics. The question remains: why these attributes, why the virgin birth on December 25th, why dead for three days and the inevitable resurrection, why 12 disciples or followers?

Download movie (.torrent) now.

Philippe Starck

Renowned French designer Philippe Starck fed up with his job and going to retire in two years.

"Everything I designed was unnecessary."
The only objects that he still felt attached to were
"a pillow perhaps and a good mattress ... ... and the ability to love".

I can't post the news here because AFP has copyright for it. You can read more here. It is worth reading.


星期一, 4月 07, 2008


Friday, April 4th 2008
Sony BMG is being sued by a small French software maker after allegedly using large amounts of pirated software. French developer PointDev claims that a Sony BMG employee called the firm to ask for technical support for an application called Ideal Migration. The Sony BMG employee provided a key code to the software which PointDev claims is pirated. PointDev further alleges that the software had been used illegally since 2004.

"We are not interested in an amicable settlement. It is not just a question of money but more importantly in principle, storm Agustoni Paul-Henry, CEO of PointDev. The rate of software piracy in the company is very high. "According to the Business Software Alliance, a association of the major publishers in the market, 47% of programs used in the company would be unlawfully in France ...

Holland RIASEC


首先來談的是學校。從國小到初中高中到大學,這些不同名稱的教育中心,其實就是一個設計優良的篩選機器,雖然它目前仍然有些瑕疵存在,但是無可否認的,大家對它的尊貴的身份和重要的立場,給予崇高的敬意。當然,當我們談到教育的時候,我們是用「再窮也不能窮教育!」這麼一個漂亮的標語去宣揚我們的對教育的理念的,說什麼「篩選機器」?這樣太低級了吧!你怎麼可以粗暴殘忍地篩選我們天真無邪的小朋友?(... ...)大H的收入決定了小H... 我是說:家長的收入決定了小孩進入什麼樣的幼兒園。你住的地方決定你要上哪一間國小。你的成績決定你能夠上哪一個高中。你高中的表現決定你到哪一間大學。你畢業的大學決定你在哪裡上班。你在哪裡上班決定你以後可以到哪裡去上班。你目前的工作決定你退休的日子會怎麼過 ... ...

上一段說的,在生活上發生的例子就比如說:我是一個很了解自己的人,在Holland 表中,我的藝術指標也很高,我了解我喜歡藝術創作,但是有礙於「社會上並不需要我這個畫家」,我只能當一個美術老師。雖然我是美術老師,但我並不認同老師這個角色,從小就不喜歡老師,看到老師就討厭,總覺得老師會誤人子弟。對於這樣的人,雖然他的工作和美術可以勉強有點關係,但是他也不過是個喜歡藝術的美術老師,而且是個不想當老師的美術老師。工作的抉擇是人格之延伸?





星期四, 4月 03, 2008

Olympus E-420

最近已經很少拍照,主要是因為4歲的 Kodak CX7430 已經老了,CCD 老舊,拍出來的照片都要經過修圖才能秀出來,所以有點懶。不是不喜歡拍照了。一直都在留意 Olympus DSLR 的走勢,價格已經越來越平民化了,一直在尋找夢寐以求的價格和高性能的 DSLR,現在終於遇見了!Olympus E-420 的出現真的讓我手癢癢。儲蓄!儲蓄!儲蓄!

Olympus E-420 Official Site

星期二, 4月 01, 2008


Posted by Sir Richard Branson, President and Founder of Virgin Group

In my life, I've had a lot of exciting adventures and launched a lot of ambitious business ventures. I'm delighted today to announce Virgle, Inc., a joint venture between the Virgin Group and Google which qualifies on both counts.

Virgle's goal is simple: the establishment of a permanent human settlement on Mars. Larry Page, Sergey Brin and I feel strongly that contemporary technology is sufficiently advanced to make such an effort both successful and economical, and that it's high time that humanity moved beyond Earth and began our great, long journey to explore the stars and establish our first lasting foothold on another world.

In the years to come, we'll be sending up a series of spaceships carrying (along with the supplies and tools needed to build the new colony) what eventually will be hundreds of Mars colonists, or Virgle Pioneers -- myself among them. If you think you might want join us (or invest in or otherwise assist this vast venture), I hope you'll read more here about how Virgle will work, what our brave Pioneers can expect and what the future holds for what just might be the most ambitious adventure in mankind's long and storied history.

See you on the north side of Kasei Valles!

The Adventure of Many Lifetimes

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